700字范文 > 分税制 system of tax distribution英语短句 例句大全

分税制 system of tax distribution英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-09 15:38:18


分税制 system of tax distribution英语短句 例句大全

分税制,system of tax distribution

1)system of tax distribution分税制

1.Empirical research on the allocation issue of China"s financial authority after the implementation of thesystem of tax distribution分税制以后我国财权配置问题实证研究

2.After remedied operation of more than ten years in the transition period in China, thesystem of tax distribution is becoming more and more unsuitable to the reform and development of market economy.我国过渡时期的分税制经过余的修补运行,已越来越不适应市场经济改革和发展的需要。

3.The reform ofsystem of tax distribution in 1994 put both old and new systems in effect; the base law and tax return admit and protect the regional vested interest, which forms the basis of rigid finance system.1994年的分税制改革新老体制并行 ,基数法和税收返还承认和保护了地方既得利益 ,铸就了刚性财政体制的根基。


1.The Setting of Tax Affairs Organization and the Consummation of Tax Distribution System in China;我国税务机构的设置与分税制的完善

2.A Choice for the Reform of the Tax System Tax by Studying the System of Tax Distribution in the South Korea;从韩国分税制看中国税制改革的跨世纪选择

3.Research on Tax Income Distribution among Local Governments under Tax-sharing System;分税制下地方政府间税收收入分配问题研究

4.On the Local Tax Growth After the Tax Sharing Reform in China;分税制改革以来我国地方税收增长研究

5.Empirical Study on Zhanjiang Local Tax Revenue Change after the Implementation of Dividing Taxes System;分税制后湛江市地方税收变动的实证研究

6.Research on Right Allocation between Central and Local Taxes--Thinking about Game Theory on Resource Tax分税制下中央和地方间税权配置研究——由资源税博弈引发的思考

7.A Study of Local Financial System Reform of the Divided Tax System;分税制条件下地方财政体制改革研究

8.Tax Distribution System:Repression and Rebound between Central Government and Local Governments;分税制:中央与地方之间的压制和反弹

9.The Tax Distribution Fiscal System:Practice,Problems,and Solutions;分税制财政体制:实践、问题与对策

10.Primary Probe and Countermeasure Proposal of Present Tax System Problem of Business Tax;现行营业税税制问题分析及对策研究

11.Analysis on Tax of Business under theTaxation Systsm of optimization Theory;当代税制优化理论下的企业税收分析

12.On the Relativity between Taxing and Taxation System in China;我国宏观税负与税制结构的相关分析

13.A Design Plan of A Cross-classify-integrate Individual Income Taxation交叉型分类综合个人所得税税制设计

14.provisional tax instalment system暂缴税分期缴付制度

15.Grafting System:Western Tax System and the Division of State Tax and Local Tax in the Qing Dynasty;制度嫁接:西式税制与清季国地两税划分

16.The Research on the Added Undistributed Earnings under the Integration of Income Tax System;台湾两税合一税制下未分配盈余加征之研究

17.On the Problems of Our national Tax Power Division of the Tax System and Suggestions;我国现行税制税权划分问题探析与对策

18.A Comparative Study of Banking Tax-Burden and Its Tax System Construction;银行业税收负担比较分析及其税制构建


tax distribution system分税制

1.Tax Distribution System:Repression and Rebound between Central Government and Local Governments;分税制:中央与地方之间的压制和反弹

2.View of further perfecting thetax distribution system;进一步完善分税制的思路

3.The main reason of finance difficult in Xinyang agricultural region include weak economic basis,the unreasonable industrial structure,lack the economical growth spot,the influence of the presenttax distribution system and so many finance person which are raised by finance.经济基础薄弱、产业结构不合理、缺少新的经济增长点、财政供养人员多、现行的分税制财政体制是信阳财政困难的主要原因。

3)Tax-sharing System分税制

1.The china s tax-sharing system which has been implementing for 12 years since 1994 is successful in a whole,but it inevitably exit a series of issues,such as the asymmetry of central and local financial income,the imbalance of regional development,the mismatch of financial resources and powers issues.我国分税制体制实施,总的来说是比较成功的。

2.Secondly, intergovernmental transfers under the current tax-sharing system encourage the expansion of government employment, in particular in those counties of small size and/or with fiscal deficit.通过对河北省分县数据的实证研究发现,我国许多县域行政划分偏小,尚有广阔的规模经济改进空间;分税制改革的不完善成为维持推动地方政府规模扩张的一个主要因素;通过扩大县域人口规模,完善分税制改革,有助于减少政府雇员规模。

3.A sound legal system is essential to the guaranty of tax-sharing system.分税制必须有配套齐全的法律体系予以保障和规范,而我国的分税制是在相关法律准备不足、又没有及时加以完善的情况下实行的,分税制立法的内容和税权的划分都存在着明显的缺陷。

4)Tax Sharing System分税制

1.This article holds, that a multilevel fiscal regime based on the tax sharing system is a system required by the new market system.本文认为,以分税制为基础的分级财政是市场经济新体制所要求的财政体制,需要在统一市场构建中逐步贯通运行这一财政体制,过渡措施不应凝固为实现中长期目标的障碍,要正确把握大思路,配套推进分税制。

2.Our current taxation system is based on the tax sharing system reform in 1994.我国现行的税收制度是在1994年分税制改革的基础上建立的。

3.Then the article studied the" Fiscal Responsibility System (FRS)" and "Tax Sharing System (TSS)" in detail.然后文章详细地研究了改革开放以来的“财政包干制”和“分税制”,从理论上分析这些改革给经济带来的正反两方面的影响。

5)system of tax allocation分税制

1.The oncoming tax system reform is intended to improve thesystem of tax allocation and make it more adaptable to market economy.我国新一轮的税制改革即将开始,这将是继1994年分税制改革以来,我国又一次大的税收制度的调整,其目标是使我国的分税制体制更加完善,更加与市场经济相适应。

2.Tax collection and management system under thesystem of tax allocation had implemented for about ten years.分税制下的税收征管体制已经实行了之久,财政界和学术界对其运行效果十分关注,是否需要改革说法不一。

6)Tax system分税制


