700字范文 > 税制演进 evolution of tax system英语短句 例句大全

税制演进 evolution of tax system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-09 19:57:41


税制演进 evolution of tax system英语短句 例句大全

税制演进,evolution of tax system

1)evolution of tax system税制演进

2)tax system evolvement税收制度演进

3)progressive taxation累进税制


1.In a graduated tax scheme the more one earns, the more one pays.按照累进税制, 收入多者多纳税.

2.In a graduate tax scheme the more one earns, the more one pays .按照累进税制,收入多者多纳税。

3.In a graduate tax scheme the more one earn , the more one pay按照累进税制, 收入多者多纳税

4.Progressive, proportional, and regressive taxes累进税、比例税和累退税

5.Taxes can be further categorised as proportional, progressive or regressive.税种能进一步被划分为比例税、累进税和累退税。

6.graduate taxation累进税美]研究院[所]

7.graduated withholding税款的累进预提扣缴

8.2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.2.征收高额累进税。

9.A tax will be referred to as progressive where the tax rate increases as the base increases.当税基增长,税率亦增长时,这个税就是累进税。

10.Land Appreciation Tax shall adopt four level progressive rates as follows:土地增值税实行四级超率累进税率:

11.The impact of the decline in tax progressivity on the growing income inequality in the United States;美国税收制度累进性质的减退对贫富差距扩大的影响

12.Reform of RMB Exchange Rate System:A Strategy of High Progressive Tobin Transfer Tax;人民币汇率制度改革应该引入高累进托宾交易税

13.On the Continuous Progressive Tax Rate;连续累进税率:对所得税运行模式的一点改进

14.An income tax is graduated so that people whomake more money pay a higher rate of taxes.所得税分等累进,使赚钱者付较高的税率。

15.The Mathematical Analysis and Related Application Study on Progressive Tax Rate s Tax Planning;累进税率税收筹划的数学分析与应用研究

16.Taxation can be defined as a system of raising pubic revenue.税制可被定义成积累公共收入的制度。

17.The graduated income tax and death duties are no more than a fair~ paid by the rich.累进所得税及遗产税只不过是富人缴纳的一种公平特权税金。

18.Progressive tax rate, as a major concept in The Taxation, is frequently used in income tax.累进税率是税收学中一个非常重要的概念,在所得税中经常使用。


tax system evolvement税收制度演进

3)progressive taxation累进税制

4)system evolution制度演进

5)evolution mechanism演进机制

6)Institutional Evolution制度演进

1.Seeking monopolist profits,creative space,large-scale economy,and capital for special purpose are the internal motivations of institutional evolution of Chinese insurance holding conglomerates in insurance system.中国分业管理的金融体制下金融控股制度演进的主体动因是追求垄断利润、创新空间、规模经济和资产弱专用性,金融机构利益先占和战略布局、管理机关有限默许共同形成了需求诱致型与中间型制度变迁的全面综合的制度变迁逻辑,提出金融控股应通过外在制度移植式变迁与核心制度创设式变迁的全面综合,实现金融控股的重生。


《博物馆的演进与现代管理方法之研讨》博物馆学专著。陈国宁著。台北文史哲出版社1978年 6月出版。全书分为上下篇。上篇"博物馆的历史演进",共 8章,按几个阶段论述博物馆的产生、发展情况和特点,展望了博物馆的未来。该篇资料丰富,对美国博物馆的历史介绍尤为详尽。下篇"现代博物馆管理方法之研讨",共8章。除第一章专对台湾博物馆发展现状进行评述外,其余 7章包括征集方式、文物保存、展览、博物馆的研究与教育、观众、博物馆建筑设计、博物馆的组织与行政人员等,介绍了欧美博物馆的作业方式与技术,简明具体,重点突出。全书附有照片 100余幅,每章之后均有注释,书后另附有中文、英文、日文和朝鲜文的主要参考文献。
