700字范文 > 税制变迁 Change of Tax System英语短句 例句大全

税制变迁 Change of Tax System英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-09 07:02:37


税制变迁 Change of Tax System英语短句 例句大全

税制变迁,Change of Tax System

1)Change of Tax System税制变迁

1.Harmonious Analysis on the Process and the Results of theChange of Tax System in China;税制变迁过程和结果的和谐性分析

2.It is important to understand the various factors of the change of tax systems and the way of these factors in the reform of tax system.正确认识影响税制变迁的各种因素以及这些因素发挥作用的方向和方式,在税制改革中十分重要。


1.An Overview of Chang"an Pancakes in Han and Tang Dynasties for Household Registration between Tang and Song Dynasties税制变迁与唐宋之际户籍管理的调整

2.The Vicissitude and Development of Tax System in the Past 60 Years of New China新中国成立六十年以来的税制变迁与发展

3.Analysis on the Process of Change of Tax Institutions--Coercion,Oriented Benefit and Background of Political Institutions税制变迁过程分析——强制、利益导向与政治制度背景

4.The Research of Tax Institution Change: From Indirect Tax Institution to Direct Tax Institution;从间接税制到直接税制的制度变迁研究

5.The Export Drawback System of China Transition Problem and Countermeasure;论我国出口退税制度:变迁、问题及对策

6.A Dicussion On Institutional Reformation Of The Reformation Of The System Of Taxation And Charges In Chinese Rural Areas;浅论我国农村税费改革中的制度变迁

7.A Study into the Institutional Transition of Tax System in China Since 1949新中国税收制度变迁研究(1949-)

8.On the Change of Refunding Export-Taxes and Its Effects on the Development of Guizhou Foreign Trade;出口退税制度变迁与贵州省对外贸易的发展

9.Changes in the Policy and System of Taxation for the Private Sector of the Economy Since the Initiation of New Stage…;新时期私营、个体经济税收政策与制度的变迁

10.Economics Analysis of the CTA System and Its Evolution;注册税务师制度及其变迁的经济学分析

11.Tax Structures in Developed Countries: Evolution Path and Future Trend发达国家税制结构的变迁轨迹与未来走向

12.Tax Structures in Countries in Economic Transformation: Changes,Characteristics and Development Trends转型经济国家税制结构的变迁、特点及发展趋势

13.Path Selection of Transformation of Tax Levy System in China--Analysis Based on the Transaction Costs of Taxation;我国税收征管制度变迁的路径选择——基于税收征纳交易费用的分析

14.Induced-Innovation: The Reform of Tax Refund and Structural Change of Trading Constitution;诱致性变迁:出口退税机制改革与贸易结构性变化

15.The Rural Tax System Reform: the Analysis of the Cost and Profit of the System Transfer;农村税费制度改革:制度变迁成本与收益角度的分析

16.Second, it examines the forces that caused the changes of taxation law and tax-collecting institutions in China and the West.第二部分分析清代中西税收法律制度变迁的动力和原因 ;

17.The reforms of taxes and fees in our rural areas are successful use of institution transference theory.我国农村税费改革,是对制度变迁理论的成功运用。

18.The Research of Income Gap between the East and the West based on the Tax Institution Transition我国东西部地区间收入差距——基于税收制度变迁的研究


efficiency in the change of tax institutions税制变迁效率


4)the change of Refunding Taxes-Export退税制度变迁

5)system change制度变迁

1.A viewpoint on the theoretical research on China ssystem change & economic growth;中国制度变迁增长理论研究评述

2.The dynamical analyses of the economicsystem change of China;中国经济制度变迁动力分析

3.Household Contractual Management and Rural Land Stock Cooperation System under the View of System Change制度变迁视角下的家庭承包经营和农村土地股份合作制度

6)institutional change制度变迁

1.The Evolution of Northeastern Equipment Cluster During Institutional Change——A Case Study of Bearing Cluster in Wafangdian;制度变迁背景下东北装备制造业集群的演进——以瓦房店轴承产业集群为例

2.Evolutionary analysis of occupationphenomenon——equilibrium shiftandinstitutional change;占座现象的演化博弈分析——兼论均衡演进与制度变迁

3.The research oninstitutional change of agricultural economy cooperative organizations in China;我国农业合作经济组织制度变迁探析


《中国近五千年来气候变迁的初步研究》《中国近五千年来气候变迁的初步研究》Preliminary Study on Climate Change over last 5000 years in Chinazhongguo iin wuqiannian lai qihou bianqian de ehubu丫Onl!U(中国近五千年来气候变迁的初步研究》(而l俪-朋叮及议砂ona口7““e品口矛枯,,;如t万侧涅又产。rsin以如以)中国竺可祯研究中国近5《xx〕年来气候变迁的论著。竺氏根据丰富的中国历史文献,收集研究了中国5(Xx)年中考古时期、物候时期、方志时期、仪器观测时期的气候记载,证明近5以】)年中,最初2《X城)年的年平均温度比现在高2℃左右,其后年平均温度有2~3℃的摆动。寒冷时期出现在公元前101)年、公元4《】)年、12(X)年和17(X)年。汉唐两代是比较温暖的时代。这种气候变迁是世界性的。气候变冷时先从太平洋西岸开始,由日本、中国东部逐渐向西移到西欧,温度回升则由西向东行。本论著对充分认识历史上气候的变迁情况并掌握其规律,以及气候的长期预报等具有极为重要的意义。
