700字范文 > 税制一体化 integration of tax system英语短句 例句大全

税制一体化 integration of tax system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-20 11:11:11


税制一体化 integration of tax system英语短句 例句大全

税制一体化,integration of tax system

1)integration of tax system税制一体化

2)the integrating of tax system in urban and rural areas城乡税制一体化

3)Two tax integration两税一体化


1.The Legal Regulation of "Two Tax Integration" about Dividends;论股息所得“两税一体化”的法律规制

2.Impact of Integrated Income Tax on Capitalization of Dividend Tax;“两税合一”对台湾上市公司股利税资本化的影响

3.Unified Income Tax System for Both Domestic and Foreign Enterprises--Obstruction Analysis and Framework;“两税合一”——障碍分析与具体构想

4.Thoughts on Issues of“One Tax Administered by Two Tax Bureaus”of Enterprise Income Tax;对企业所得税“一税两管”问题的探讨

5.Research on the Taxation Model"s Choice of China"s Unification of Corporate Income Tax and Personal Income Tax论我国“两税合一”课税模式的选择

6.Harmonizing Accounting with Taxation after Unifying Income Tax System for both Domestic and Foreign Corporations;试论所得税两税合一的会计与税法协调

7.Efficient and Integrated Research on Real Estate Tax;一体化、精细化管理在房地产税收中的应用研究

8.The Probe into the Trend of the Global Economic Integration and Taxation Internationalization;全球经济一体化与税收国际化趋势的探究

9.On "Two Centers" in Teaching--Some Experience in Tax Teaching;对教学中“两个中心”的看法——兼谈税收教学的一些体会

10.A Study on China s Tariff Administration System in Economic Integration;经济一体化背景下的中国关税管理制度研究

11.The Establishment of Coordination Mechanism of Tax Benefits in the Process of Integration of Urumqi and Changji;新疆乌昌一体化中税收利益协调机制的建立

12.Tax Revenue Challenges from Economic Integration and Our Government’s Countermeasures;经济一体化对税收的挑战及我国的对策

13.Thinking of the Management Experience on Real Estate Taxation Integration关于房地产税收一体化管理经验的思考

14.Changes and Impacts of China Income Tax Law after the Consolidation of the Two Separate Income Tax Regimes;“两税合并”后我国所得税法的主要变化及影响

15.The Study of Sheng Tang Company"s Tax Planning after Enterprise Income Tax Law Merged两税合并后盛唐化工公司税收筹划研究

16.The Idea of Our Country s Enterprise Income Tax Preferential System after "Two Taxes are Amalgamated";“两税合并”后我国企业所得税税收优惠体系的构想

17.The Research on the Added Undistributed Earnings under the Integration of Income Tax System;台湾两税合一税制下未分配盈余加征之研究

18.Tariffs are commonly levied in one of two ways:ad valorem tariff or specific tariff.关税通常以下列两种方式的一种征收:从价关税或从量关税。


the integrating of tax system in urban and rural areas城乡税制一体化

3)Two tax integration两税一体化

4)Integrated Income Tax System所得税一体化

5)Unified Taxation System税制统一

6)unified tax system一元税制


