700字范文 > 叙述者的观念体系 Narrators idea system英语短句 例句大全

叙述者的观念体系 Narrators idea system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-30 10:24:15


叙述者的观念体系 Narrators idea system英语短句 例句大全

叙述者的观念体系,Narrator"s idea system

1)Narrator"s idea system叙述者的观念体系

2)system of narration叙述体系

3)author"s subjective narration作者主观叙述

4)dramatic narrators戏剧化的叙述者

5)reliable narrator可靠的叙述者

1.This paper carefully studies the narrative strategy concerning thereliable narrator as well as the unreliable one in Lolita, so as to demonstrate its important role in constructing the implied author in the novel.本文详细分析了小说《洛丽塔》的叙事策略,通过探讨小说中可靠的和不可靠的叙述者的叙事特点,论证其在建构小说的隐含作者过程中所起到的关键作用。

2.According to the relation between the narrator and the implied writer,there are reliableand unreliable narrators in narrative works.在叙事作品中,按照叙述者与隐含作者之间的关系,可以将其区分为可靠的叙述者与不可靠叙述者。


1.Reliable Narrator and Unreliable Narrator:A Study of Lu Xun"s A Madman"s Diary从《狂人日记》看可靠的叙述者与不可靠叙述者

2.Jason as an Unreliable Narrator in The Sound and the Fury不可靠的叙述者:《喧哗与骚动》中的杰生

3.The Declination of the Narrator Authoraty from Authorative to Unreliable叙述者话语权威的衰落:从权威化到不可靠的叙述者

4.On the Reliability and Unreliability of the Narrator in Narrative Works;论叙事作品中叙述者的可靠与不可靠性

5.The real and reliable narrator should be the narrative ego.真正的叙述者应为叙述自我,而且是可靠的。

6.The Making of Caddy: Unreliable Narrators in the Sound and the Fury;虚构的真实:论不可靠叙述者对凯蒂形象的塑造

7.A Study of Unreliable Narrators in the Sound and the Fury;《喧嚣与骚动》中不可靠叙述者之研究

8.The History in the Dimension of Unreliable Narrative Art--Comment on "Colorature" by Li Er不可靠叙述之维的历史——评李洱的《花腔》

9.Uncertainty of Narration Edgar in Allan Poe s "Ligeia";爱伦·坡短篇小说“丽姬娅”的不可靠叙述

10.On the Unreliable Narrations in An Ideal Husband谎言:《理想丈夫》中不可靠叙述的解读

11.The Rhetorical Objective of Unreliability:An Inquiry into James Phelan s Theory of "Unreliable Narration";叙述谎言的修辞旨归:詹姆斯·费伦的“不可靠叙述”观论略

12.Poe s Conception of Tale/Morality,Unreliable Narration and "The Tell-Tale Heart";坡的短篇小说/道德观、不可靠叙述与《泄密的心》

13.The Rhetorical Effects of Lockwood s Unreliable Narration in Wuthering Heights;《呼啸山庄》中洛克伍德不可靠叙述的修辞效果

14.Character s Unreliability in Lessing s To Room Nineteen;莱辛《到十九号房间》中人物叙述的不可靠性解读

15.On the Unreliable Narration in Shakespeare s Twelfth Night;莎士比亚《第十二夜》中的叙述不可靠性解读

16.On Jason s Unreliability in the Sound and the Fury;论《喧嚣与愤怒》中杰森叙述的不可靠性(英文)

17.Indispensable NarratorA Research on the Narrator Part in Bai Xianyong s Short Stories;不可或缺的叙述者——白先勇短篇小说叙述角色探悉

18.On the narrative technique of Ethan Frome from the perspective of narrators;从叙述者看《伊坦·弗洛美》的叙述艺术


system of narration叙述体系

3)author"s subjective narration作者主观叙述

4)dramatic narrators戏剧化的叙述者

5)reliable narrator可靠的叙述者

1.This paper carefully studies the narrative strategy concerning thereliable narrator as well as the unreliable one in Lolita, so as to demonstrate its important role in constructing the implied author in the novel.本文详细分析了小说《洛丽塔》的叙事策略,通过探讨小说中可靠的和不可靠的叙述者的叙事特点,论证其在建构小说的隐含作者过程中所起到的关键作用。

2.According to the relation between the narrator and the implied writer,there are reliableand unreliable narrators in narrative works.在叙事作品中,按照叙述者与隐含作者之间的关系,可以将其区分为可靠的叙述者与不可靠叙述者。

6)unreliable narrator不可靠的叙述者

1.Therefore,this thesis deals with Ford s narrative art in The Good Soldier with a focus on the narrative method of progression d effet andunreliable narrator to see Ford s narrative art in modernist fiction.因此,文章试图通过分析这部作品的以下几个方面:1)效果的累进的叙述方法;2)不可靠的叙述者,去探讨和挖掘福特在这部小说中所运用的叙述技巧的成功之处及其独特的艺术效果,从中去看福特作为现代主义作家的叙述艺术。

2.Although The Blind Assassin is a meaningful experimentation on narrative forms,its slips and errors are obvious,arising from itsunreliable narrator.《盲刺客》固然是小说叙述形式上的一次有意义的探索和实践,但出现的纰漏显而易见,其中不可靠的叙述者则是诸多纰漏的根源。


