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叙述者 Narrator英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-13 15:32:42


叙述者 Narrator英语短句 例句大全




1.Objective Narrator--Analysis of Ancient Chinese History Narrator“客观叙述者”?——中国古代史传叙述者辨析

2.On the narrative technique of Ethan Frome from the perspective of narrators;从叙述者看《伊坦·弗洛美》的叙述艺术

3.Five Relations Between the Narrator and the Narrated Object in Novels论小说叙述者和叙述对象的五种关系

4.Narratological Analysis on the Narrator in the Catcher in the Rye叙事解读《麦田里的守望者》的叙述者

5.Narrator in the Game--Feiming s Narrative Techniques;游戏中的叙述者——论废名小说中叙述者的游戏叙述策略

6.Narrator s Trap Intervention of the Narrator in Chen ai Luoding;叙述者的陷阱——谈《尘埃落定》叙述者的介入

7.Reliable Narrator and Unreliable Narrator:A Study of Lu Xun"s A Madman"s Diary从《狂人日记》看可靠的叙述者与不可靠叙述者

8.On the Narrative Technique of A Hero of Our Time from the Perspective of Narrators;从叙述者看《当代英雄》的叙事艺术

9.Analysis of the Narrators and Their works;小说叙事中叙述者与文本的关系浅析

10.The tension between the narrator and the narrated objection --The narrative crisis and strategy in man s one half is woman;叙述者与叙述对象的张力——《男人的一半是女人》的叙述危机及其策略

11.The real and reliable narrator should be the narrative ego.真正的叙述者应为叙述自我,而且是可靠的。

12.The Strange Narrator:The Manner of Narration and the Space Time Structure of Can Xue;陌生的叙述者——残雪的叙述法和时空结构

13.The Declination of the Narrator Authoraty from Authorative to Unreliable叙述者话语权威的衰落:从权威化到不可靠的叙述者

14.The Way to Communicate with the Folk--On the Significance of the Narrator of Country-side;沟通民间的叙事策略——论乡土叙述者文学史意义

15.On the Reliability and Unreliability of the Narrator in Narrative Works;论叙事作品中叙述者的可靠与不可靠性

16.From Irony to Identification--From Perplexity to Detachment--An analysis of the mutual struggle and combination between the narrator and narrated subject in Qi Wang ;《棋王》中叙述者与叙事主体的相互较量与融合

17.On Narrator "I" in Lunxun s Novels;为叙事而存在——论鲁迅小说中的叙述者“我”

18.Variation of Narrator and Narrative Perspective: From Balzac to Faulkner;论小说叙述者和叙述视角的转变——从巴尔扎克到福克纳


sage narration智者叙述

1.Ge Fei s "sage narration" and his description of the intellectuals,in a context of haphazard,absurdness,and irony,gave a vivid picture to the intellectuals as well as their desires.格非的“智者叙述”及其知识分子书写,在偶然、荒诞与反讽的叙事情境里,刻绘了文明暮色中的知识人画像,以及飘扬在文化废墟上的欲望旗帜。

3)great narrator大叙述者

1.The first level refers to many kinds of narrative strategies of the appeared narrator,and the second level refers to many narrative marks of thegreat narrator.第一层面是明现叙述者的多种叙述策略;另一层面是大叙述者的多处叙述标示,而这种双重叙述机制的分析对于影片的叙述意图和故事内涵的理解有重要意义。

4)the narrator "I"叙述者"我"

1.In the New year Sacrifice written by Lu Xun,the display and concealment ofthe narrator "I" is a process of loss,seeking and identification of the narrator′s cultural role.鲁迅小说《祝福》中,叙述者“我”的隐、显的过程就是“我”的文化身份的失去、寻找和确证的过程。

5)Exceed narrator超叙述者

6)authorial narrative作者叙述


