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叙述人 narrator英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-20 03:08:51


叙述人 narrator英语短句 例句大全



1.All the narrative works havenarrators,who mediate between readers and stories.所有的叙事作品都有一个叙述人,有一个叙述人在读者和故事之间发挥作用,这是叙事作品的文类特征。

2.By applying narration theory of classical novels,the author explores the issue of“who is telling story in the novel”by way of comparing and analysing some important concepts about writer,narrator,voice of narration and sight of narration.运用经典小说叙事学的理论,通过对小说的写作者、叙述人、叙述声音、叙述眼光等几个重要概念的比较和辨析,探讨了“谁在小说里讲述故事”的问题。

3.This paper analyses the narrative art of Song Annals in the following three respects: the truthfulness of narration, the originality of subsidiary narrative method, the multiple alternation of thenarrator, and shows that Song Annals has its own specific artistic features on the basis of the classical narrative methods.本文试着从《宋书》叙事的真实性、带叙法的独创性以及叙述人的多角度变换三方面进行论述,说明《宋书》叙事 在遵循传统叙事模式的基础上,有自己独特的艺术特色。

2)person narration人称叙述

1.Discussing secondperson narration by analysing Fu Sang written by Yan Geling;由严歌苓的小说《扶桑》谈第二人称叙述


1.The narrative is told in the first person.这是用第一人称叙述的。

2.On the Images of Luxun"s Seft-expressions from the First-person-narrative Fictions of Luxun"s Novels从第一人称叙述看鲁迅小说的自叙传特色

3.On the Difference of the Narrative Perspective of the First Person and the Third Person;论第一人称与第三人称叙述角度上的差异

4.This novel uses the first person in narration.这部小说采用了第一人称叙述的方法。

5.Discussing second person narration by analysing Fu Sang written by Yan Geling;由严歌苓的小说《扶桑》谈第二人称叙述

6.He uses first person narration in his novel the Danzig Trilogy.他的《但泽三部曲》主要使用了第一人称叙述。

7.The Research on the Separation Which from the Narrating Characror of Lu Xun s Novels;论鲁迅小说中第一人称叙述所产生的间隔效果

8.Unique First Person Narration--On Günter W. Grass s Narrative Skills;试论君特·格拉斯文本的第一人称叙述方式

9.Personality, Realism, Vividness and Originality--Gunter W. Grass s narration style;试论君特·格拉斯文本的第一人称叙述魅力

10.Narration Identity and Narration Posture in LU Xun s Novel;鲁迅小说中第一人称的叙述身份与叙述姿态

11.The first person narrative strategy of Autumn in Spring;《春天里的秋天》第一人称的叙述策略

12.Multiple Points of View and The Disappearance of Narrative Authority--On As I Lay Dying from the Narrative Point of View;多角度第一人称叙事与叙述权威的消亡——论《我弥留之际》的叙事视角

13.A Contrastive Analysis of Personal Reference in English Narrative Fictions and Scientific Writings;英语叙述语篇与科技语篇人称指称对比分析

14.Research on Textual Errors of Person Reference in Chinese Narration of Thai Students泰国学生汉语叙述体语篇人称指称偏误研究

15.The Deflection From "Part" To "Narrator" --On Novel of the Frist Person Narration in Seventeen Years;由“角色”向“叙述者”的偏移——十七年第一人称叙事小说论

16.The Comparison of Usage of the Third Personal Pronoun between Chinese and Japanese in Narration Article;叙述体篇章中第三人称用法汉语与日语之比较

17.To Rebuild Utopians--about narrating person in the novel Trees without Wind (Wu Feng Zhi Shu);再造乌托邦──谈《无风之树》的叙述人称特色

18.The Effect of Goal Information and Personal Narrative on Processing Situation Model目标信息和叙述人称对情境模型加工的影响


person narration人称叙述

1.Discussing secondperson narration by analysing Fu Sang written by Yan Geling;由严歌苓的小说《扶桑》谈第二人称叙述

3)narrative person叙述人称

1.Thenarrative person is one of the most important concepts of the western novel narrative theory.“叙述人称”是西方小说叙事理论的重要概念之一。

4)characters as narrators叙述性人物

1.The paper expounds the function which can help the real author tell stories and thecharacters as narrators who act as the story-tellers from the perspective of narration,and explains new theories on "characters" on the basis of analysis.本文即从叙事学的角度出发,对具有帮助真正的作者讲述故事等功能性作用、充当故事讲述者的叙述性人物进行论述,在文本分析的基础上对"人物"进行新的理论阐述。

5)traditional narrator传统叙述人

1.The novel and movie made a research oftraditional narrator in various angles and depth through the different narrative points of view provided by the narrators with different identity--"I" narrator and "It-He" narrator,which reflects the advantages of narrative media of their own.本文从叙事学的角度,分析了《法国中尉的女人》小说和电影的故事层,并以此为基础比较分析了小说叙事和电影叙事在叙述方式上的区别:小说和电影分别采用不同身份的叙述人——叙述人"我"和叙述人"它—他"提供的叙事视角,对传统叙述人进行了不同角度、深度的反思,各显自身叙事媒介的优长。

6)narrating spokesman叙述代言人

1.The projection of the mental state on the narration of Lu Xun’s self-fiction is the appearance ofnarrating spokesman and dualnarration.这种心态折射在鲁迅自我小说的叙事上,则体现为叙述代言人的出现和双重叙事。


