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叙述内容 narrative content英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-10 23:51:39


叙述内容 narrative content英语短句 例句大全

叙述内容,narrative content

1)narrative content叙述内容

2)external narrative内在叙述

3)narrate connotation叙述内涵

1.There are three forms of explaining of the meaning in thenarrate connotation of Robbot Green s novels.罗布·格里耶的小说在叙述内涵上呈现出三种释义形态 ,其中审美形态是悲剧性的 ,认知形态是机械型的 ,道德形态则是激进主义的。

4)narrative content叙事内容

1.In the aspect of thenarrative contents, they emphasize the people who lived in the fringe of the history .在叙事视角上,它们以人性、文化等边缘化的视角取代政治视角;在叙事内容上,以边缘性人物和题材为描写重心;在叙事原则上,竭力张扬艺术虚构;在叙事态度上,由严肃庄重走向游戏与调侃;在叙事结构上,以个人化叙事代替宏大叙事。


1.Creative Narrative-Contents Change in Yuhua s Novels;富有创新精神的叙事——论余华小说叙事内容的转变

2.The Fictitious Ego--On the solipsism of the aesthetic subject and the subjectivity of the narrative content of the Van-Guard Novel;虚伪的自我——先锋小说审美主体的唯我主义与叙事内容的主观性

3.The Holistic-Content Perspective of Narrative Analysis叙事分析的整体——内容视角——以分析一位教师的叙事为例

4.The chairman gave a summary of his discussion with the german delegation.董事长概要地叙述了他与德国代表团谈判的内容。

5.The Content Analysis and Narrative Pattern Analysis of Successful Persons in News Reports;新闻报道中“成功人士”形象的内容分析与叙事模式分析

6.Research of Beethoven s the Eighth Sonata and Chopin s the Third Ballade;对贝多芬第八奏鸣曲和肖邦叙事曲的音乐内容研究

7.The Logic Sequence of Content Models in the Legends of the Tang Dynasty--One of Narrative Logic about Tang Romance;论唐传奇内容模式的逻辑序列——唐传奇的叙事逻辑之一

8.On the Artistic Effects of Narrative Form in The Sound and the Fury;形式即内容——试析《喧哗与骚动》叙事形式的艺术效果

9.A Perfect Unity between Form and Theme:An Analysis on the Narrative Strategies in Their Eyes Were Watching God and The Color Purple;形式与内容的完美统一——谈《他们眼望上苍》和《紫颜色》的叙事策略

10.Plots beyond Narration:on the Narrative Techniques of the Story of Gold Lock;叙事时间之外的故事——简论《金锁记》增大故事容量的叙述技巧

11.What it all comes down to is that there isn"t much in his story.归结下来,他的叙述没有什么内容。

12.The book is more easily read than described.阅读书籍要比叙述其内容省力。

13.(of a story,an argument,etc)have the specified wording,content, etc(指叙述、陈述等)有某样言词、内容等

14.Abstract: This paper elucidates Jiang Guang Ci"s political imagination concerning the revolution and the violence, through analyzing the narrative of his literary texts.[内容提要]文通过对蒋光慈文学文本的叙事分析,解读了蒋光慈关于革命与暴力的政治想象。

15.A Perfect Combination of Contents and Form:Analyses of the Combination of the Narrative Art and Its Theme in The Great Gatsby内容与形式的完美结合——探析《大人物盖茨比》叙事艺术和主题思想的统一

16.An Analysis of the Narrative Perspectives in Ernest Hemingway s Fiction;欧内斯特·海明威小说的叙事视点探析

17.The Discussion about Fengxiaoxiao s Theme Connotation and Narration Art;论《风萧萧》的主题内涵及叙事艺术

18.The Narrative Skill and Cultural Connotation of the Family Trilogy;“家庭三部曲”的叙事策略及其文化内涵


external narrative内在叙述

3)narrate connotation叙述内涵

1.There are three forms of explaining of the meaning in thenarrate connotation of Robbot Green s novels.罗布·格里耶的小说在叙述内涵上呈现出三种释义形态 ,其中审美形态是悲剧性的 ,认知形态是机械型的 ,道德形态则是激进主义的。

4)narrative content叙事内容

1.In the aspect of thenarrative contents, they emphasize the people who lived in the fringe of the history .在叙事视角上,它们以人性、文化等边缘化的视角取代政治视角;在叙事内容上,以边缘性人物和题材为描写重心;在叙事原则上,竭力张扬艺术虚构;在叙事态度上,由严肃庄重走向游戏与调侃;在叙事结构上,以个人化叙事代替宏大叙事。

5)internal focalized narration内聚焦叙述

1.Theinternal focalized narration in Ulysses takes the three protagonists as its focal characters,through their eyes and consciousness to percept the world.《尤利西斯》的内聚焦叙述,以三个主要人物为聚焦人物,通过人物的双眼和意识感知故事世界。

6)inner driven narration叙述内驱力


