700字范文 > 解说员 a narrator; a commentator英语短句 例句大全

解说员 a narrator; a commentator英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-01 01:20:46


解说员 a narrator; a commentator英语短句 例句大全

解说员,a narrator; a commentator

1)a narrator; a commentator解说员


1.The commentator and the announcer are both for the Giant .解说员和播报员都偏爱巨人队。

2.He is the narrator of the documentary.他是这部记录片的解说员。

3.The guide will give you a complete introduction to the exhibits.解说员会向你们做全面的展品介绍。

4.Bad pronunciation is a liaBility in Being a narrator.不良的发音是做解说员的不利条件。

5.Training of Beijing Olympic sports commentators;北京奥运会体育解说员培养研究

6.Expectation of Audience on Sports Events Commentator Duty论受众对体育赛事解说员的职责期待

7.Research on Communicative Quality of China"s TV-Sports Commentators我国电视体育解说员传播素质的研究

8.Television sports commentators repeat the same phrases ad nauseam.电视体育解说员说来说去就是那么几句话,令人厌烦。

9.Welcome to join Hapyy Spoonbill Family!欢迎大家加入台南县黑面琵鹭家族解说员行列!

10.(usu not in the continuous tenses)do this regularly,as a job(通常不用于进行时态)作(实况报道的)解说员.

11.Adapted from Dostoevsky"s novella, Henry Czerny plays the narrator, Underground Man.改编自陀思妥耶夫斯基的中篇小说《地下人》,亨利·彻尼扮演解说员。

12.Our commentator, Reg Knowall, will be at the ground and will be bringing you a kick by kick account of every stage of the match.我们的解说员,里格-诺瓦尔将在现场,为每一脚球及每个阶段的比赛进行详细解说。

13.He clinched the argument by persuading all the committee members.他说服委员会所有成员,使争论获得完全解决。

14.The manager threatened his employee with dismissal.该经理威胁他的雇员说要解雇他。

15.the anti-vivisection lobby为反对活体解剖而游说议员的团体.

16.The instructor explained a few more details, and then said:教练员又讲解了几个细节,然后说:

17.They were rumored to have broken up the committee.传说他们已解散了委员会。

18.the Human Resource Department says that four employees will be laid off.人力资源部说有四个雇员将要被解雇。


Sports commentator体育解说员

1.ResearchedSports commentator capacity andSports commentator ability index from theory and practice levels, explored the current situation of China s sports commentator ability and weaknesses Department.本文以中国历来的体育解说员能力、体育解说员能力指标为研究对象,运用文献资料法、专家访谈法和德尔菲法,从理论与实践两个层面,探讨了我国体育解说员能力的现状及存在的不足之处,运用大众传播学、体育学等相关理论,对体育解说员能力指标进行理论性的分析和探讨,制订出的能力指标量表,可用于选拔参照指标和综合评价的实践操作。



5)Hiroshima Interpreters for Peace广岛和平解说员


1.TV news is the diversified displaying work of art, which is mainly composed by TV screen, paralanguage andcommentary.电视新闻是以画面、同期声、解说词为主要构成部分的多样化表现艺术。

2.The paper expatiates on specific ways to achieve mainly from the background music,commentary and its different forms combined with examples of specific procedures.网络课件中,声音占一个重要的地位,而对声音的处理,一直是网络课件开发中的难点,本文主要从背景音乐、解说以及其不同的表现形式,结合具体的程序实例,来阐述其实现的具体方法。

3.It is of significance to explore the modern values in China\"s traditional arts such as the poems written on the picture,the pictures of approbation and the comic strips,borrow their comprehensive artistic integration and profoundness in televisioncommentary,television image,narrating and modeling.影视艺术的起源及其理论研究都肇始于西方,西方声画艺术理论也一直占据强势地位,但发掘中国文化中题画诗、画赞、连环画等传统艺术的现代价值,借鉴它们在解说、画面、叙事、造型等方面综合性的艺术融合与深化,对提升今天电视艺术声画关系的处理水平,构建中国特色的电视声画艺术有着非常重要的意义。


