700字范文 > 女子无才便是德 A Woman without Talent Is Virtuous英语短句 例句大全

女子无才便是德 A Woman without Talent Is Virtuous英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-17 19:48:43


女子无才便是德 A Woman without Talent Is Virtuous英语短句 例句大全

女子无才便是德,"A Woman without Talent Is Virtuous"

1)"A Woman without Talent Is Virtuous"女子无才便是德

1.On"A Woman without Talent Is Virtuous"“女子无才便是德”考述



4)Female Bel-esprits Biography《女才子书》

1.YuanhuYanshui-Sanren listed the excellent female aesthetic standards in detail and completely inFemale Bel-esprits Biography.《女才子书》在全面、细致地虚构完美女性标准的同时,有感于自身生活的迫切需要,在实际叙事操作中毅然地做出了面向现实的调整,极力推崇女性“不妒乃贤”的德行和操持家务的才干,从而使其女性审美标准呈现出多元化的特征,并通过一系列生活化了的平庸才子们不可思议的美满艳福,对其支离破碎的婚姻生活实施类似画饼充饥的自我满足。


1.The research of YuanhuYanshui-Sanren’s female aesthetic standards from Female Bel-esprits’Biography;从《女才子书》看“鸳湖烟水散人”的女性审美标准

2.Existence and Absence of Love--On the Theme and Characterization of The Book of A Woman Talent;情的突显与缺失——《女才子书》的思想内容及人物塑造分析

3.She is endowed with both wit and beauty.这女子天赋才貌双全。

4.a galaxy of talent, beautiful women, film stars一群才子、 美女、 电影明星.

5.declaration for altering or adding to the name of a child子女改名或加名声明书

6.Bel-esprit of South China--Professor Xian Yu-qing and Sun Yat-sen Library;岭南才女—冼玉清教授与中山图书馆

7.In ancient times, only children of well-to-do families learnt to read and write. Those born to poor parents would have found it extremely hard to get an opportunity to do this.古代,富人子弟才有条件读书,穷人孩子读书难。

8.The girls had to hasten their steps to keep pace with his.女孩子们得加快步子才能赶得上他。

9."It was true that in old times, some gifted young girls had a higher literacy talent and nobler mind than the average young girls"在旧时代,有些女子才气与心性比一般女子高,

10.Talented Ladies in Dream and in Reality --Making a Comparison Between the Two Female Figures in the Caizijiaren - Style Novels and Strange Stories from a Lonely Studio;梦幻中的才女与现实中的才女——才子佳人小说与《聊斋志异》才女形象之异同

11."Those elder unmarried girls in cities are mostly the so-called "gifted girls", referring to those females who have been more highly educated."城市大龄女未婚女青年大多数是所谓"才女",即受过高等教育的女子

12.You"ll have to mount the ladder to reach the top shelf.你得爬上梯子才能够着最上一格书架。

13.These books are all about talented scholars and lovely ladies.这些书都是写才子佳人的。

14.Only pedants believe in the advantage of obfuscation.只有书呆子才相信使人困惑会有好处。

15.A woman with strong scholarly or literary interests.女才子对知识和文学有很强兴趣的妇女

16.I am just an ignorant country girl!"我才是不见世面的乡下女孩子呢。”

17.I had t run to keep up.我得跑步才能跟上(女孩子们)。

18.A woman who has outstanding talent with extraordinary achievement makes me appreciate her more.女子才华出众,成就非凡,我更欣赏。




4)Female Bel-esprits Biography《女才子书》

1.YuanhuYanshui-Sanren listed the excellent female aesthetic standards in detail and completely inFemale Bel-esprits Biography.《女才子书》在全面、细致地虚构完美女性标准的同时,有感于自身生活的迫切需要,在实际叙事操作中毅然地做出了面向现实的调整,极力推崇女性“不妒乃贤”的德行和操持家务的才干,从而使其女性审美标准呈现出多元化的特征,并通过一系列生活化了的平庸才子们不可思议的美满艳福,对其支离破碎的婚姻生活实施类似画饼充饥的自我满足。

5)the success of children子女成才

6)Gifted Girls天才女子


