700字范文 > 文字救国 save the nation with characters英语短句 例句大全

文字救国 save the nation with characters英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-08 06:13:50


文字救国 save the nation with characters英语短句 例句大全

文字救国,save the nation with characters

1)save the nation with characters文字救国


1.From "Save the Nation with Characters" to "Save the Nation with Literature"--On the formation of the function of modern Chinese literature in the light of the language transformation movement at the Late Qing从“文字救国”到“文学救国”——从清末的语言变革运动看现代文学功能观的形成

2.The Origin of Writings and the Similarities and Differences Between Hieroglyphs,Cuneiform,Chinese Characters and Alphabet;文字起源及象形文字、楔形文字、中国文字和字母文字之异同

3.On Chinese Red Cross Society s Rescue in Country Defense War;中国红十字会“护国战争”救护述论

4.From Chinese Charities Association to Shanghai Wanguo Red Cross;从中国救济善会到上海万国红十字会

5.Arabic [Russian] script.阿拉伯 [俄国] 文字。

6.Bronze Cross Award [Royal Life Saving Society]十字铜章〔英国皇家救生会〕

7.Bar to Bronze Cross [Royal Life Saving Society]十字铜章复试年带〔英国皇家救生会〕

8.St John′ s Ambulance Brigade was formed by the Red Cross in Britain.1887年,英国红十字会成立约翰救护车队。

9.1887 St John′s Ambulance Brigade was formed by the Red Cross in Britain.1887年英国红十字会成立圣约翰救护队。

10.The Red Cross Society of China s Humanitarian Relief Operations in the Time of Jiangsu and Zhejiang War;江浙战争与中国红十字会的人道救援

11.First - Aid the China Red Cross Offered to the Wounded During the Period of Warlords;"军阀时期"中国红十字会的兵灾救护

12.Brief Discussion on the Rescue of the Red-cross of China in Song-hu Anti-Japanese Battles in 1937;1937年中国红十字会淞沪抗战救护简论

13.Shuowenjiezi s Contribution to History of Chinese Philology;论《说文解字》对我国文字学史之贡献

14.The Chinese wine culture reflected by Chinese characters containing the structural part you(酉) in Analytical Dictionary of Chinese Characters《说文解字》酉部字反映出的中国酒文化

15.First Aid of the Chinese Red Cross During the War of Resistance Against Japan试析抗战时期中国红十字会的救护活动

16.The Chinese Red Cross contributed a generous sum to the relief of the physically disabled.中国红十字会慷慨捐赠一笔巨款以救济残疾人。

17.The Lin Kesheng Time of the Ambulance Corps Headquarters of the Red Cross in China;中国红十字会救护总队部的"林可胜时期"(下)

18.The Thought of saving The Nation by Literature of Zhang Tai-yan(章太炎) from representative literature survey(《文学总略》);从《国故论衡·文学总略》看章太炎的文学救国思想


saving The Nation by Literature文学救国

1.The Thought ofsaving The Nation by Literature of Zhang Tai-yan(章太炎) from representative literature survey(《文学总略》);从《国故论衡·文学总略》看章太炎的文学救国思想

3)saving China through culture文化救国

1.He devoted himself to the theoretical creation and practice of China s modernization and proposed a unique modern thought ofsaving China through culture, which made him the pioneer of China s modern "New Confucianism" and the founder of cultural conservatism.他一生致力于中国现代化的理论创造与实践,开创了其特有的文化救国的现代化思想,故被称为中国现代“新儒家”的先驱和文化保守主义思潮的奠基人。

4)Chinese characters中国文字

1.Hiero- glyphs,cuneiforms andChinese characters are all in ancient writings of ideographic signs and phonetic signs.文章讨论了象形文字的概念和人类文字雏形即文字画概念的根本区分,认为“象形文字”一词符合古文字命名法规律,象形文字、楔形文字和中国文字都是表意符和声符并用文字,塞姆语字母文字独立起源于两大文明之间,受两河流域文明影响较大,埃及文字的象形特征保持了三千年,它的象形字体和演化出的两种简化的、不太象形的手写字体一直并用。

5)Six states characters六国文字

6)Characters of the Warring States period战国文字


