700字范文 > 文学救国 saving The Nation by Literature英语短句 例句大全

文学救国 saving The Nation by Literature英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-02 13:48:22


文学救国 saving The Nation by Literature英语短句 例句大全

文学救国,saving The Nation by Literature

1)saving The Nation by Literature文学救国

1.The Thought ofsaving The Nation by Literature of Zhang Tai-yan(章太炎) from representative literature survey(《文学总略》);从《国故论衡·文学总略》看章太炎的文学救国思想


1.The Thought of saving The Nation by Literature of Zhang Tai-yan(章太炎) from representative literature survey(《文学总略》);从《国故论衡·文学总略》看章太炎的文学救国思想

2.From "Save the Nation with Characters" to "Save the Nation with Literature"--On the formation of the function of modern Chinese literature in the light of the language transformation movement at the Late Qing从“文字救国”到“文学救国”——从清末的语言变革运动看现代文学功能观的形成

3.From Saving the Country with Science to Saving the World with Buddhism Spiritual Aspiration of Zhang Xiangwen, A Pioneer for Chinese Geography in Modern Times从科学救国到佛学救世——我国近代地学先驱张相文

4.On the "Salvation " Complex of Chinese Modern Literary Criticism;试论中国近现代文学批评的“救亡”情结

5.A Review on the Self-Saving Sense of Females Literary of China in the 20th Century;中国二十世纪文学女性自救意识回眸

6.The Idea of the University from the Point of View of Chinese Traditional Culture;长善救失:大学办学理念的中国文化视角

7.The equal importance on the humanities and sciences: the protest of Guofeng on the Japanese invasion;人文与科学并重:《国风》抵抗日本侵略的救亡主张

8.Saving China as the very start of the enlightening thoughts of literature in the 20th century;救亡强国:20世纪初启蒙文学思想的逻辑起点

9.Protections & Salvages:A Study on Ethnic Cultural Relics from Ethnology;从民族学视角论中国民族文物及其保护与抢救

10.Humanism Educasion:Noah s Ark in the Sea of Business --Teaching Reseach on Modern Chinese Literature;人文教育:商海大潮中的自救之舟——中国现当代文学教学研究

11.Developing education to save the country: value science and humanities equally-Study on Ma Xiang-bo s ideal and practice of founding and running universities;教育救国:科学与人文并重——马相伯大学办学理念与实践考察

12.Peking University and May 4thMovement: Their Inter relation with the Idea of Saving the Nation with Education and Culture;北京大学与五四运动——兼论北大与教育救国、文化救国思潮的内在联系

13.It unilaterally emphasized saving the nation by science could not save the nation;它片面强调科学救国 ,但在旧中国 ,科学救不了国 ;

14.Loss in the Wilderness;荒野中的迷失——从张贤亮的小说谈中国当代文学救赎意识之溃败

15.The plight of American Jews and their salvation --On the Cultural Movement of Jewish American Writing;犹太人的困境与自救——论当代美国犹太文学的走向

16.Enlightenment and self - preservation--on the loss of Lntellectuals vanguard awareness in Chinese modern literature;启蒙与自救:中国现代文学中知识分子先锋意识的丧失

17.Chinese Critical Care Medicine中国危重病急救医学

18.Ding Wenjiang was not only the major founder of the Chinese geological science,but also the main advocator and practitioner of the thoughts of saving the country through science.丁文江不仅是中国地质科学的主要奠基者,而且是近代科学救国思想的主要倡导者和实践者。


Culture of saving the nation by science科学救国文化

3)saving China through culture文化救国

1.He devoted himself to the theoretical creation and practice of China s modernization and proposed a unique modern thought ofsaving China through culture, which made him the pioneer of China s modern "New Confucianism" and the founder of cultural conservatism.他一生致力于中国现代化的理论创造与实践,开创了其特有的文化救国的现代化思想,故被称为中国现代“新儒家”的先驱和文化保守主义思潮的奠基人。

4)save the nation with characters文字救国

5)save the nation by academic endeavors学术救国

1.Before liberation, he wanted to reconstruct Chinese culture by means of self-reliance in Hegel抯 philosophy, in order tosave the nation by academic endeavors.解放前,他希望借助于黑格尔哲学自求超拔的精神来改造中国文化,以实现“学术救国”的目的。

6)saving the nation by science科学救国

1.From thought ofsaving the nation by science、the thought of scientific spirits to scientific Method and scientific research, is have the influence of importance.他的科学思想非常丰富,从科学救国思想、科学精神思想到科学方法和科学教育思想,都对中国现代科学产生巨大影响。


