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教育救国 saving the nation by education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-11 23:48:51


教育救国 saving the nation by education英语短句 例句大全

教育救国,saving the nation by education

1)saving the nation by education教育救国

1.Expatiation and Comments on Wuzhihui s Thoughts of Saving the Nation by Education;吴稚晖教育救国思想评述

2.The intention ofsaving the nation by education is to make the nation strong and rich,and change its fortune.教育救国思潮旨在藉教育以自强求富、挽救国运,其形成和发展经历了萌生、明晰、高涨、消退四个阶段。

3.Basing on this thought,he advisedsaving the nation by education.这种保守主义思想的哲学基础是进化论、经验论,在此基础上形成了严复式的渐进变革主张——教育救国。


1.Develop Education to Save China: Tan Kah-kee s MainObjective for Setting Up Schools;教育救国:陈嘉庚倾资兴学的思想动机

2.Assessment on Chen Shi"s Salvation Ideological Education and School Practice陈时的教育救国思想及办学实践评析

3.From "Saving the Nation Through Education" to "Rejuvenating China Through Science and Education"--History of Chinese Educational Modernization;从“教育救国”到“科教兴国”——中国教育现代化的历史探索

4.On the origins and practice of Sheng Xuanhuai s thinking "saving the nation through education";试论盛宣怀教育救国思想产生的缘由及其实践

5.On Jiang Menglin s Ideas of Saving the Country through Education--Research Ⅱ on Jiang Menglin s Ideas of Higher Education Value;评析蒋梦麟的教育救国观——蒋梦麟的高等教育价值观研究之二

6.Peking University and May 4thMovement: Their Inter relation with the Idea of Saving the Nation with Education and Culture;北京大学与五四运动——兼论北大与教育救国、文化救国思潮的内在联系

7.These activities embodied his thoughts of education for China, independent education and academic freedom, as well as education to save the country and the national education centered around China.体现了他以中国为本位,服务于中国,教育独立、学术自由和教育救国的思想。

8.Developing education to save the country: value science and humanities equally-Study on Ma Xiang-bo s ideal and practice of founding and running universities;教育救国:科学与人文并重——马相伯大学办学理念与实践考察

9.On the Change of Xiang Jingyu from an Adherentto Education-save-the-nation into a Marxist;论向警予由教育救国论者向马克思主义者转变的原因

10.Saving the Frail Soul:the Present Crisis in the Teenagers" Value Education and Its Relieving拯救孱弱的灵魂——我国当前青少年价值观教育的危机与救赎

11.The Futher Education Funding Council: Futher Education"s Fairy Godmother?汤尧英国基金拨款委员会:是扩充教育的救星吗?

12.On Improving the Aid for Students in Exercising the Right to Be Educated in China s Public Higher Learnings;浅议我国公立高校学生受教育权救济的完善

13.The Shortness and Recovery of Elementary and Middle Schools Education Resources in the Countryside;我国农村中小学教育资源的缺失及其补救

14.The Theories Analysis of the Financial Aid to underprivileged Students at the Stage of Compulsory Education in China;我国义务教育阶段贫困生救助的理论分析

15.A study in educational support to the children of urban poor families in China;我国城市贫困家庭子女的教育救助问题研究

16.Analysis and Innovative Research on Education Assistant Management Model in Higher Education in China我国高校教育救助管理模式分析及创新研究

17.The remedy lies in education.补救的办法在于教育。

18.The cure lies in education.挽救之道在于教育。


save the nation by education教育救国

3)saving the nation through education教育救国

1.On the origins and practice of Sheng Xuanhuai s thinking "saving the nation through education";试论盛宣怀教育救国思想产生的缘由及其实践

2.During the first stage, the idea "saving the nation through education" was put forward, and played a leading role in the educational reforms of Self-Strengthening Movement and Xinzheng (new systems reform).大致经历了四个阶段:一是“教育救国”观念的提出,在洋务教育和新政教育中发挥了主导作用;二是在吸收外国教育经验的基础上,发出“民主与科学”的呼声,追求教育的本土化,走中国自己的教育道路;三是社会主义建设时期“教育革命”的政治运动化,既有成功和发展,更有曲折和教训;四是教育的拨乱反正,贯彻“科教兴国”的教育思路,改革不断深入,使中国教育的现代化迈出了更加坚实的步伐。

3.Du Ya quan was one of those pioneers in modern times of China,who dedicated himself to the service of his country by advocating and practising his idea aboutsaving the nation through education.杜亚泉是近代中国著名的以科学报国、教育救国的先驱 ,毕生致力于近代科学知识的传播和普及 ,视教育为救国自强的根本 ,为推进社会进步最有效的途径。

4)education saving country教育救国

5)education saving the nation教育救国

1.A series of professional education thought that he put forward such aseducation saving the nation, practicalism and the principle of large professional education reflects the request of some bourgeoisie and intellectual, and give impetus to the education and social economic development.黄炎培的职业教育思想是当时中国社会的必然产物,他提出的教育救国、实用主义、大职业教育主义等一系列职业教育思想,反映了一部分资产阶级及其知识分子的要求,对教育和社会经济的发展起到了推动作用。

6)opinion of saving the nation through educationt教育救国观


