700字范文 > 同音现象 homonyms phenomenon英语短句 例句大全

同音现象 homonyms phenomenon英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-06 03:19:04


同音现象 homonyms phenomenon英语短句 例句大全

同音现象,homonyms phenomenon

1)homonyms phenomenon同音现象

2)the phenomenon of borrowing of homophones"同音借用"现象

1.But the item of "tong" generalizes two phenomena, namelythe phenomenon of borrowing of homophones and the phenomenon of cognate words usage in common.《汉语大字典》中大量使用“通”词条,这其中的“通”反映了我国文字发展及其使用过程中的两种现象,即“同音借用”现象与“同源通用”现象,前者所指的意义叫“用字通假义”,后者所指的意义叫“同源通用义”。


4)phonology phenomenon音韵现象


1.A Discussion about the Formation of the Ping Dialect in Northern Guangxi,the Vernacular in Southern Hunan and the Vernacular in Northern Guangdong in the Perspective of Rhyme and Rhythm;从音韵现象看桂北平话和湘南、粤北土话的形成

2.The Phonological Phenomena and Properties Reflected in Dengyunxue By Xuhui(许惠);许惠《等韵学》反映的语音现象及其性质

3.A Discussion on Rendaku Phenomenon from the Perspective of Acoustic从音韵论角度分析日语的“连浊”现象

4.Voicelesslization Phenomena Reflected in Hongwu Zhengyun(洪武正韵)《洪武正韵》所反映的浊音清化现象

5.A Research on the Entering Tone with [i] Glide in Southwest Mandarin of the Northern Hubei Province;西南官话鄂北片入声韵带i介音现象探析

6.Voiced Sound Clarification Phenomenon in Fanqie(反切) Comparison of Jiyun(集韵) and Leipian(类篇);《集韵》、《类篇》反切比较中反映的浊音清化现象

7.Reading Notes on Sun Fan: Research On Min Notation of Quanzhen Authentic Rhyming;道教音乐文化现象的新阐释——孙凡《全真正韵“闵谱”研究》扫描

8.On the Loss of Nasal Coda in Ping Dialect, Southern Hunan Dialect and Northern Guangdong Dialect;平话、湘南土话和粤北土话鼻音韵尾脱落现象考察

9.The Essence of the Phenomena in Jie Yun and Chu Yun of Rhyming in the Poems of Han Hu;从韩淲诗韵看其借、出韵现象的实质

10.The Dialectal Phenomena Reflected by the Rhyming between Yin Rhyme and Ru Rhyme in the Poetry by Poets from Sichuan in Song Dynasty(宋);宋代四川诗人阴声入声韵通押中的方音现象——宋代四川方音研究之二

11.The Dialectal Phenomena Reflected by Yang Rhyme and Rhyming of Different Tones in the Poetry by Poets From Sichuan in the Song Dynasty (宋);宋代四川诗人阳声韵及异调通押中的方音现象——宋代四川方音研究之一

12.The Pronunciation Types of the Endings of the Middle Chinese Yangsheng Rhyme in Modern Chinese Dialects中古阳声韵韵尾在现代汉语方言中的读音类型

13.The Existence of Chinese Sound Symbolism of Nasal Finals in Real Estate Brand Names and Its Correlation with Product Attributes;汉语鼻音韵母语音象征及与产品属性的相关性

14.The Comparison between the Phonetic System of Zhuanli Wanxiang Mingyi and That of Guangyun《篆隶万象名义》音系与《广韵》音系的比较研究

15.Talk about Two-read Phenomenon of Ru-sheng Characters in《Central China Phonology》--Another Example of the Vocabulary Diffusion Theory;谈中古通摄宕江摄入声字在《中原音韵》中的两读现象——词汇扩散理论的又一例证

16.On Charateristics of Rhyme and Rhythem of Free Verse Written in the Vernacular in the Early Period of the Modern China;试论中国现代早期白话诗的音韵特征

17.Alliteration and assonance is not only a language phenomenon, but also an artistic one in poems.诗歌中的双声叠韵既是语言现象,又是艺术现象。

18.On the Rhythmical and Imaginal Beauty of 300 Tang Poems Rendered by Xu Yuanzhong;许渊冲译《唐诗三百首》之音韵美及意象美赏析


the phenomenon of borrowing of homophones"同音借用"现象

1.But the item of "tong" generalizes two phenomena, namelythe phenomenon of borrowing of homophones and the phenomenon of cognate words usage in common.《汉语大字典》中大量使用“通”词条,这其中的“通”反映了我国文字发展及其使用过程中的两种现象,即“同音借用”现象与“同源通用”现象,前者所指的意义叫“用字通假义”,后者所指的意义叫“同源通用义”。


4)phonology phenomenon音韵现象

5)variation of English phonemes音变现象

6)understanding phenomenon知音现象

1.Intelligent Expectation and Tacit Understanding of Spirit--Comment on theunderstanding phenomenon of classical literature in China;心灵向往与精神契合——评中国古代文学中的知音现象


《同音》又译《音同》。中国西夏文字书。切韵博士党项人令犬长和啰瑞灵长等于西夏早期编纂 。 后屡经修订,至少有5种版本,传世的有两种刻本,都是蝴蝶装。1909年在中国黑水城遗址(今内蒙古自治区额济纳旗境内)出土,现藏苏联。中国流传的是甲种本的石印本,内有序和跋。序言指出此书经西夏学士兀啰文信重新整理,跋尾又指明于西夏正德六年(1132),由义长重新校订。全书56页,共收大字6000多个,依声母分为重唇、轻唇、舌头、舌上、牙、齿头、正齿、喉、来日等 9类。每类中发音相同的字合成一组,各组间以小圆圈相隔,没有同音字的独字列于各类之后。各大字下均有注字,一般为一个字,也间有二三个字。注释方式有:以同义字、反义字组成词或词组,指明类属、用途和词性等。近年在额济纳旗又发现乙种本残页,编排和内容与甲种本稍有出入。《同音》是研究西夏语言、文字的重要文献。
