700字范文 > 同音反复 homonym repeatedly英语短句 例句大全

同音反复 homonym repeatedly英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-21 20:41:33


同音反复 homonym repeatedly英语短句 例句大全

同音反复,homonym repeatedly

1)homonym repeatedly同音反复

2)homonym repetition同音重复

1.This paper tries to reveal the phonetic style ofhomonym repetition in his three Yuefu poems,points out the style of language and how the poet expresses his deep emotions through describing objects so that reade.本文运用汉语韵律学的理论,分析李白《蜀道难》等三首乐府诗歌中运用同音重复手段所产生的一唱三叹、突出主题、加重感情等音韵魅力和语言风格,揭示了作品中语言风格与托物言志的意境、“挥斥幽愤”的思想感情是融为一体的,让读者从新的角度体味李白乐府诗歌崇高的浪漫主义意境。


1.On the Phonetic Style of Homonym Repetition in LiBai s Shudaonan;李白乐府诗歌《蜀道难》等三首同音重复的语言风格

2.To duplicate(another part or voice)an octave higher or lower or in unison.音高重复在高或低八度上或同一音高上重复

3.the repetition of similar vowels in the stressed syllables of successive words.连续的词语中的重读音节重复相同的元音。

4.Alliteration is the repetition of the same initial consonant sound within a line or a group of words.头韵:在一组词的开头或重读音节中对相同辅音或不同元音的重复。

5.A single tone repeated with different words or time values, as in plainsong.单音调以不同词语或音长来重复一个音的音调,如在宗教颂歌中

6.The repetition of similar vowel sounds, especially in poetry.类音,类韵:相同或相似元音的重复,尤其指在诗歌中的重复。

7.A short melody or phrase that is constantly repeated, usually the same part at the same pitch.固定音型不断重复的短旋律或短句,通常在同一音高的同一部位

8.Note the stress on the different syllables.注意不同音节的重音。

9.a musical phrase repeated over and over during a composition.在音乐作品里反复重复的音乐片断。

10.“Papa,” repeated the beauty in the same tone, “we are late.“爸爸,”那个美人儿又用同样的音调重复地说了一遍,“我们准要迟到啦。”

11.Sameness or dull repetition in sound, style, manner, or color.单调声音、文体、风格和色彩的同样性或单调的重复

12.(of sounds) repeating by reflection.(指声音)通过反射而重复。

13.Soft repetition of a note or phrase.音符或乐句的轻轻重复.

14.a speech disorder involving hesitations and involuntary repetitions of certain sounds.不由自主地重复某个音。

15.Repetition of certain sounds or syllables in poetry, as in echo verse.重复在一种诗歌格律中某些音节或发音的重复,如在重音格中

16.Repeated notes, repeated figures, varied repetitions such as sequences.重复的音符,重复的音形,各式各样的重复譬如模进。

17.having the same vowel sound occurring with different consonants in successive words or stressed syllables.接下来的词或重音有相同的元音但辅音不同。

18.having the same consonant at the beginning of each stressed syllable.每个重音的开头有相同的辅音。


homonym repetition同音重复

1.This paper tries to reveal the phonetic style ofhomonym repetition in his three Yuefu poems,points out the style of language and how the poet expresses his deep emotions through describing objects so that reade.本文运用汉语韵律学的理论,分析李白《蜀道难》等三首乐府诗歌中运用同音重复手段所产生的一唱三叹、突出主题、加重感情等音韵魅力和语言风格,揭示了作品中语言风格与托物言志的意境、“挥斥幽愤”的思想感情是融为一体的,让读者从新的角度体味李白乐府诗歌崇高的浪漫主义意境。


1.This evolution has resulted in a sharp and consistent definition of competitive advantage, which partially solved the issue oftautology and enhan.在演变过程中,资源理论关于竞争优势的定义不断明晰,同义反复问题逐一化解,竞争优势研究的微观基础亦随之完善。

2.There are three approaches to settle the dispute on whether the principle of natural selection is atautology: taking a skeptical attitude to the scientific status of the principle of natural selection;redefining the fitness and selection;giving up the received view of the structure scientific theory.当代生物学哲学对选择解释的同义反复问题的研究有三条进路:怀疑自然选择原理的科学地位、重新定义适合度和选择的概念、放弃科学理论结构的正统观点。

3.The article makes a thorough analysis oftautology through the investigation of a considerable amount of material of the same language and reaches the conclusion that it is an important figure of speech in linguistic expression.本文通过对一定量的同类语言材料的调查,对同义反复现象进行了较为全面的分析,认为这是一种重要的语言表达方式———修辞格。

4)homomorphous complex tone word同形复音词

1.On San Yan shomomorphous complex tone words from the change of it s sentiment meaning;从色彩意义的变化看“三言”古今同形复音词


6)double-syllable antonyms复音反义词


同音1.音调相和。 2.声音相同。 3.比喻说同样的话。 4.同一读音。
