700字范文 > 异物同名 homonyms英语短句 例句大全

异物同名 homonyms英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-29 10:38:08


异物同名 homonyms英语短句 例句大全



1.This paper introduces howhomonyms of species-group names should be treated according to the fourth edition of the ICZN (International Code of Zoological Nomenclature).讨论《国际动物命名法规》 (简称《法规》)关于种级单元异物同名的处理及相关规定。


1.The relationship between homonyms.(2) The state of being homonymous.(1)异物同名之间的关系。()物同名状态。

2.A taxonomic name that is identical to one previously applied to a different species or genus and that therefore is unacceptable in its new use.异物同名一个分类学名词由于曾被用于以前不同的种属所以这一新用法不被接受

3.Logistics Management" and "Supply Chain Management;“物流管理”和“供应链管理”是“异名同质”吗?

4.Study on the Problems of Snonym and Valid Species of the Hynobiidae;小鲵科Hynobiidae同物异名及有效种问题的研究

5.Cherishing Reputation and Having the Sense of Shame;“惜名知耻”——名同实异的中日道德观

6.Translating English Proper Names into Chinese:Three Approaches in Chinese Mainland,Hong Kong and Taiwan两岸三地外国人名地名翻译异同对比

7.Probe into Liu Xi"s Lexical View from "Identical reality but with different names" in Shi Ming从《释名》同实异名例看刘熙的词汇观

8."These two things issued from the same mould, But nevertheless are different in name.This "same mould"we can But call the Mystery,"" 此两者, 同出而异名,同谓之玄"

9.The Same Root Different Branch,the Same Name Different Nature--Analyses of cross-strait "seeking the root of literature";同根异脉 同名异质——浅析海峡两岸的“寻根文学”

10.Views on Names in the Different Translations of the Same Buddhist Scripture:A Case Study of Fa Hua Jing;同经异译佛经人名管窥——以《法华经》异译三经为例

11.Different Interpretations of the Same Words:Interaction Between Derrida and Levinas;同名异释:德里达与列维纳斯的互动

12.Differences Between The Synonymous Monosyllabic And Disyllabic Nouns In Chinese;现代汉语单双音同义名词的主要差异

13.Similarities and Differences of English and Chinese NamesFeatures and Their Inner Cultural Details;英汉姓名异同及其所蕴涵的文化底蕴

14.Functional Similarities and Differences of Poems and Verses Among the Four Chinese Famous Works中国古典四大名著中诗词作用的异同

15."and there is the comparative anatomy.Judging from the name, we know it"s the study of the differences and similarities in the body structures of animals and of man."另外还有比较解剖学。从名称上判断,我们知道该学科是对动物与人身体结构异同的研究。

16.Differences between Chinese-Japanese Homonyms from the Translation of "视线"(Vision)从“视线”的翻译看汉日“同形同义”名词间的差异

17.On the Translation Methods of Domestication and Foreignization Used in Translating Proverbs;谚语中动物名称翻译时的归化与异化

18.the doctrine that the various objects labeled by the same term have nothing in common but their name.具有相同名称的不同物体只有名字相同其他方面一律不同。



1.Microscopic identification ofhomonym drugs of "Baitouweng" by digital imaging technique;白头翁同名异物类药材的数码显微鉴别


1.A review of the genus Uga Girault from China and notes of two newsynonyms (Hymenoptera: Chalcididae);中国膨胸小蜂属分类及二新同物异名(膜翅目:小蜂科)

2.Four new juniorsynonyms are proposed: Sportaphis sporta Zhang, 1999= Tenuilongiaphis stata Zhang and Zhong, 1993; and Polygonaphis aciculansucta Zhang, 1999= Aspidaphis adjuvas (Walker, 1848); Sportaphis Zhang, 1999= Tenuilongiaphis Zhang, 1993; Polygonaphis Zhang, 1999= Aspidaph.结果表明 :戏蚜为静细长蚜TenuilongiaphisstataZhangandZhong的同物异名 ,扁蓄蓼蚜为扁蓄童盾蚜Aspidaphisadjuvas (Walker)的同物异名 ;戏蚜属SportaphisZhang为细长蚜属TenuilongiaphisZhang的同物异名 ,蓼蚜属PolygonaphisZhang为盾蚜属AspidaphisGillette的同物异名。

3.For the reasons of preserve situation and the difficulty of preparation,there are a lot ofsynonym and the nomen dubium in the published taxa.由于化石的保存状况以及标本的修理难度等多种原因,已经发表的材料中包括了大量的同物异名现象以及无效的属种。


1.Foursynonymy are validated here as well.4个种 (变种 )处理为同物异名 。

2.\%One new species \%E.poilaneiMoldenke 5个种 (变种 )处理为同物异

3.6synonymy are validated here as well.6个种 (变种 )处理为同物异


1.pinchonii aren tsynonyms furnished in detail after close observation.pinchoni是两个有效种,而非同物异名。

2.The phenomenon ofsynonyms and.优质数据来自优质数据源,但,中药数据源普遍存在一定的缺失、错误和不规范现象,部分数据源的数据缺乏考证,同物异名、同名异物现象比较严重;各数据源间对于中药正名、原植物基原描述不统一。


1.yunnanensis as ahomonym.chayuensis开展分子生物学研究,结果表明:刘氏棘蛙作为一个独立物种不存在,分布于泸沽湖的刘氏棘蛙为双团棘胸蛙的一个地理居群,应作为双团棘胸蛙的同物异名进行归并。


