700字范文 > 同音 homonymous英语短句 例句大全

同音 homonymous英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-29 03:52:33


同音 homonymous英语短句 例句大全



1.In Chinese dialects,there are many linguistic components resulted from homogeneous combination,which refers to eitherhomonymous or synonymous amalgamation of two linguistic components with the same nature in the course of language development.可分两类:(1)同音兼并。


1.The quality or condition of being homophonic.同音同音的性质或状态

2.Note the stress on the different syllables.注意不同音节的重音。

3.The quality or condition of being homonymous.同音异义同音异义的性质或状态

4.The combination of parts at the same pitch or in octaves.同唱,同奏在相同音高或在八音度内声部的结合

5.The same kanji are pronounced, sometimes regularly just like the Chinese characters, sometimes totally differently.日文汉字的发音中有吴音、音、音及惯用音之分;有音读和训读之别;还有同音和通音等等。

6.On Homophone-synonym and Metathesis-synonym of Modern Chinese;论现代汉语同音同义词和异序同义词

7.part music with one dominant voice (in a homophonic style).有一种占主导的声音(同音风格)的合唱音乐。

8.A recording of different musical pieces.曲集不同音乐片断的录音

9.The length of the bars of the xylophone determines the different notes of the scale.木琴琴键的长度决定音阶的不同音调。

10.variant spelling, pronunciation不同的拼法、 发音.

11."Right" and "write" are pronounced the same."right"和"write"发音相同。

12.having the same vowel sound occurring with different consonants in successive words or stressed syllables.接下来的词或重音有相同的元音但辅音不同。

13.The quality of a sound that distinguishes it from other sounds of the same pitch and volume.音质使声音与其它音高及音量相同的声音相区别的性质

14.Your sound hardware cannot simultaneously play sounds and register your voice.您的声音硬件无法同时播放声音和注册语音。

15.Pronounced with both nasal and oral passages open.鼻音化元音的发音时鼻腔和口腔同时张开的

16.a composite speech sound consisting of a stop and a fricative articulated at the same point (as `ch" in `chair" and `j" in `joy").在同一点上发出的包含爆破音和擦音混合音。

17.Corresponding or alike in sound, as words or syllables.谐音的声音上相同或相似的,如词或音节

18.A harmonic interval is the interval between two notes sounded simultaneously.同时发声的两个音之间的音程为和声音程。



1.A Comparative Study on the Two Tangut DictionariesTongyin and Tongyi;西夏文《同音》与《同义》比较研究

2.From a new angle, the paper reviews the entities of recreation and sports in the dictionaries of Wenhai andTongyin both written in the Western Xia language, and makes a thorough study of dancing, archery, horse-riding, sumo, Cuju (ancient Chinese football), go, chess, boating recorded during the Western Xia Regime.从新的角度,自西夏文字典《文海》、《同音》中,查检有关西夏文体内容的词条,结合考古资料,对西夏体育项目舞蹈、射箭、御马、相扑、蹴鞠、围棋、象棋、泛舟作了深入的研究。

3)close pronunciation音同


1.This paper proves that there are a lot ofhomophone-synonyms and metathesis-synonyms in existence which are exactly the characteristics of Modern Chinese.该文证明了同音同义词和异序同义词的大量存在,论证了它们是植根于汉语和汉字的根本性质的,是汉语的特点,并对这两种同义词的成因、性质、界线、辨析作了集中的探讨。

5)perfect homonyms同形同音词

1.Fu Huaiqing (1985) established a basic synchronic-diachronic guideline to distinguishperfect homonyms from polysemes when he proposed to observe the semantic relations of the two in terms of etymology and actual linguistic intuition.符淮青(1985)提出应从“词源”和“现时语感”两个角度观察同形同音词与多义词的词义联系,实际上为现代汉语同形同音词和多义词的区分确立了“历时-共时”双重限定的基本原则。


1.After thorough distinction, thesehomonyms are found to be extentions of the meaning of a word, tranformntion of word\|gerder, or ancient\|comtemporary words, and therefore they are not real hononyms.:《现代汉语词典》中共有同音同形词 2 70组 ,其中有 33组尚可商榷。

2.In A Dictionary of Modern Chinese, some mordern Chinesehomonyms originated from polysemants are divided into different entries while others are united into one entry,without unified arrangement for them.现代汉语中源于多义词的同音同形词在《现代汉语词典》中有的分立条目 ,有的合为一个词条 ,没做统一的处理。


同音1.音调相和。 2.声音相同。 3.比喻说同样的话。 4.同一读音。
