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传统道德观 Traditional Morality英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-22 05:58:47


传统道德观 Traditional Morality英语短句 例句大全

传统道德观,Traditional Morality

1)Traditional Morality传统道德观

1.A Study on theTraditional Morality of Walter·Scott s History Novels;司各特历史小说的传统道德观探微


1.On How Teachers Transform Traditional Moral Outlook to Modern Moral Outlook教师从传统道德观向现代道德观转变路径探讨

2.The Confucian Ideas of Traditional Morality and Socialist Construction of Morality;儒家传统道德观念与社会主义道德建设

3.The film advocates to traditional moral concept and embodiment.影片对传统道德观念的宣扬和体现。

4.A Brief Review of Traditional Morality Ideas in Book of Good Behaviors of Yi Nationality;论彝族《劝善经》中的传统道德观念

5.On the Transcendence of Traditional Western Moral Ideas for Morality of Sustainable Development;超越西部传统道德观念,建立可持续发展的道德观

6.Lacking conventional moral restraint in sexual behavior.放荡的在性行为方面缺少传统道德观念约束的

7.Discussions on the Change of Traditional Moral Concepts in the Process of Urbanization and the Effects;城镇化进程中传统道德观念的转化及作用探讨

8.Reflecting on the Contradiction between Traditional Moral Concepts and Modern Law;传统道德观与当代法律之间矛盾的思考

9.Zhao Wuniang and the Traditional Ethical Morality in the Chinese Classical Theater;赵五娘形象与古代戏曲中传统道德观再评析

10.The Sense of Citizenship and Traditional Moral Ideas in "Three-yan and Two-Pai;“三言二拍”中的市民意识与传统道德观念

11.The Socialism Concept of Honor and Disgrace to Our Country Traditional Morals Views Succeed and Development;社会主义荣辱观对我国传统道德观的继承和发展

12.A Distortion of the Commodity Awareness of the Legal System by Traditional Moral Ideas--Preliminary Study of Chastity Right;传统道德观念对商品法制观念的扭曲——贞操权初探

parison of Traditional Moral View of Filial Piety Culture with Contemporary Moral Values;传统孝文化道德观与当代道德价值观之比较

14.The Traditional Filial Piety Morality and Modern Citizen"s Moral Quality Education传统孝德观与现代公民道德素质教育

15.The Influence of Traditional Ethics Morals View on the Moral Formation of Today′s University Students传统伦理道德观对大学生道德养成的作用

16.Because people"s traditional ethics remain unchanged.因为人们传统的道德观念没有改变。

17.The Traditional Morals and Values in the Conventional Rules of Liangshan s Yi Nationality;凉山彝族习惯法中的传统道德价值观

18.Tradition、Religion and Morality;传统、宗教与道德——论哈耶克的宗教观


traditional moral ideas传统道德观念

3)traditional moral concepts传统的道德观

1.By analyzing the contradiction betweentraditional moral concepts and modern law,this article points out that the roots of contradiction is the legging behind oftraditional moral concepts with the development of modern law,and that it s necessary to establish new moral concepts compatible with modern law to speed up building a well-off society in an all-round way.文章通过对传统道德观与当代法律之间矛盾的分析,揭示了矛盾的根源是传统的道德观落后于当代法律的发展,指出要全面建设小康社会,必须建立新的道德观,与当代法律协调发展。

4)traditional moral values传统道德价值观

1.In the nation-regions where multi-culture conflict and blend, with intrinsic relative close social cultural system broken and under impulsion of modernization,traditional moral values vary greatly.传统道德价值观是特定的民族在历史发展的过程中所积累的道德观念,对个体的道德行为具有激励和约束作用,并以此协调个体之间或者个体与群体之间的关系,规范个体的行为。

5)traditional ethics moral view传统道德伦理观

6)historical outlook on traditional morality传统道德史观

1.By analyzing the influences of history and culture as well as national psychology,this paper tries to find the causes,specially from the three elements\" influences upon the writers: the historical outlook on traditional heroes,thehistorical outlook on traditional morality and the national psychology.历史演义小说人物形象的塑造有明显的"理想化"倾向,究竟是什么原因使得历史演义小说家将人物形象的塑造高度理想化?推究历史与文化的影响以及民族心理因素,从传统英雄史观、传统道德史观、民族心理因素等三个方面对历史演义小说家的影响进行了分析和探寻。


保守主义道德观保守主义道德观性社会学名。指以天主教会为代表的正统的性价值观。保守主义者是专制主义绝对论者。它预先为人们规定了行为准则。某些性行为被视为是正确的,其余的则全是错误的;个人无权怀疑构成道德判断的基础的正确性。保守主义道德观一般是限制性的。其特征是,它认为婚姻关系中的异性交媾是惟一在道德上可以接受的性行为方式。天主教的道德神学起源于《圣经》和每个时代的教会对《圣经》的解释,其原罪说的基本精神从未改变。而天主教会对性的最有权威的论述是保罗六世教皇在1968年的通谕。虽然他讲的是避孕问题,但也论述了所有性行为的基本道德的标准。他认为:性是极乐的渊源,但婚姻只不过是诚实的和善良的性经验的合法化。婚姻的性活动起了两种关键的作用——生育和结合。依照这种观点,避孕的所有企图和非生育的 性行为的任何形式都是不能接受的,因为它们没有达到生养的目的。但是在婚姻关系中,并不排除所有缺乏再生育潜在力的性交活动。如丧失生育能力、怀孕妇女或处于“安全期”的妇女,而是反对故意使用人工手段来干扰生育的自然过程。婚前和婚外的所有性行为都是在道德上不被接受的。天主教道德观还将对性的克制看作是性道德的最高形式。虽然不期望每个人都这么做,但是贞洁和禁欲在天主教会受到高度赞扬。
