700字范文 > 优秀传统道德 Excellent traditional morality英语短句 例句大全

优秀传统道德 Excellent traditional morality英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-14 06:07:39


优秀传统道德 Excellent traditional morality英语短句 例句大全

优秀传统道德,Excellent traditional morality

1)Excellent traditional morality优秀传统道德

1.The excellent traditional morality possesses historisity and reality in existence, which should be carried forward to foster and raise the ideoligical and moral qualities of college students.优秀传统道德既具有历史性,又有存在的现实性,将其发扬光大,有助于全面培养、提高当代大学生思想道德 素质。


1.Expanding Excellent Traditional Moral and Strengthening Construction of Moral Education in College;弘扬优秀传统道德 加强高校德育建设

2.To exhibit great morality and show modern civilization;弘扬优秀传统道德 促进现代文明

3.Excellent Traditional Morals and the Cultivation of Moral Personality of Contemporary University Students;优秀传统道德与当代大学生道德人格培育

4.On Chinese Traditional Moral and Contemporary High Education Morality Education;浅谈中国优秀传统道德与当代大学生道德教育

5.On the Chinese Worthy Traditional Education in Ethics关于中华民族优秀传统道德教育的探讨

6.Enforce Excellent Traditional Moral Education to Raise the Ideological and Moral Qualities of College Students;加强优秀传统道德教育 提高大学生思想道德素质

7.We Must Strengthen Chinese Traditional Morality Educationin order to Governing the School by Morality;以德治校应加强对大学生的中国优秀传统道德教育

8.Discussion on the Function of Ethnic outstanding traditional Morality on the Construction of Harmonious Society;论少数民族优秀传统道德在和谐社会构建中的作用

9."Poetic education" is the cherished tradition of Chinese moral education which integrates moral and aesthetic education.“诗教”是中华民族思想道德教育的优秀传统。

10.Reinforcing College Students Quality Education with Excellent Traditional Culture and Virtue;用优秀传统文化道德强化大学生素质教育

11.Perfecting the Socialism Moral System by Excellent Iraditional Culture;用优秀传统文化丰富社会主义道德体系

12.China s fine traditional culture and youth s moral education;中国优秀传统文化与当代青少年道德教育

13.A brief analysis on strengthening morality in higher learning institution弘扬优秀传统师德 加强高校师德建设

14.Outstanding Traditional Culture of Kazak Ethnic Group and Construction of Youth Ideology and Morality;哈萨克族优秀民族传统文化与青少年思想道德建设

15.An Important Subject in Moral Education of Contemporary University Students--The value of splendid traditional culture of honesty and credit education;当代大学生道德教育的重要课题——论优秀传统文化的诚信教育价值

16.Fine Traditional Culture and Modern Teenager Morality Education;优秀传统文化与现代青少年德育教育

17.Studies about the Situation of Exploiting and Applying Excellent Chinese Traditional Moral Education Resources;中国优秀传统德育资源的开发与应用状况研究

18.The Resources of Excellent Traditional Chinese Culture Can Be Used To Improve the Moral Education in Higher Educalional Institutions;挖掘中国优秀传统文化资源 改进高校德育工作


excellent ethic tradition优秀道德传统

3)excellent tradition优秀传统

4)Fine moral tradition优良道德传统

5)Fine moral spirits优秀道德精神

6)outstanding traditional culture优秀传统文化

1.Developing theoutstanding traditional culture to be one of the modern distance education resources with educational technology will benefit each other.在现代远程教育资源尚需不断丰富的背景下,探讨如何将优秀传统文化与现代远程教育进行有效结合是一个具有时代意义的课题。

2.China soutstanding traditional culture is the old cultural quintessence that the Chinese people of all nationalities create together in longterm social work,the extremely valuable spiritual wealth and spiritual prop for thousands of years of Chinese nation.中国优秀传统文化是中国各族人民在长期的社会实践中共同创造的古老文化精华,是中华民族几千年来极其宝贵的精神财富和精神支柱。


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