700字范文 > 传统道德 traditional morality英语短句 例句大全

传统道德 traditional morality英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-14 16:14:13


传统道德 traditional morality英语短句 例句大全

传统道德,traditional morality

1)traditional morality传统道德

1.Absorbing the soul oftraditional morality,constructing the undergraduate s ideal and character;吸收传统道德精华 构建大学生理想品格

2.Develop thetraditional morality of the Chinese nation Train the great national spirit of the young students;弘扬中华民族优良传统道德——培育青年学生伟大民族精神

3.Traditional morality in the process of modernization and modernization oftraditional morality;现代化中的传统道德与传统道德的现代化


1.The Potencies and Impotencies of the Traditional Virtues Vs the Establishment of Modern Professional Virtues;传统道德的兴衰与现代职业道德建设

2.On How to Build the Moral Standards fo r Citizens in Contemporary China;正确对待传统道德 建设现代公民道德

3.Traditional morality in the process of modernization and modernization of traditional morality;现代化中的传统道德与传统道德的现代化

4.The Divine Order of Things and the Order of Man:A Study of the Absence of Subjectivity in Traditional Chinese Ethics天道与人道——传统道德主体性缺失探微

5.Expanding Excellent Traditional Moral and Strengthening Construction of Moral Education in College;弘扬优秀传统道德 加强高校德育建设

6.On the Minority Nationalities’ Traditional Morality and Their Construction of Social Public Morality;论少数民族传统道德与社会公德建设

7.Excellent Traditional Morals and the Cultivation of Moral Personality of Contemporary University Students;优秀传统道德与当代大学生道德人格培育

8.The Confucian Ideas of Traditional Morality and Socialist Construction of Morality;儒家传统道德观念与社会主义道德建设

9.The Moral Value of Sense of Shame--Take the Case of Chinese Traditional Moral Culture;论耻感的道德价值——以中国传统道德文化为例

10.The Expansion and Extension of Traditional Morality in Modern Economy;传统道德教育向现代经济道德的拓展与延伸

11.The Ethical Foundation of Labor Relations and China s Traditional Ethics Culture;劳动关系的道德基础与中国传统道德文化

12.On Chinese Traditional Moral and Contemporary High Education Morality Education;浅谈中国优秀传统道德与当代大学生道德教育

13.Inheritance and Surpassing of Traditional Morality: Origin and Flow of Modern Morality;对传统道德的继承和超越:现代道德的源与流

14.Civil Morality Construction and Criticism and Inheritance of Confucian Tradition of Morality我国公民道德建设与儒家传统道德的批判继承

15.a heritage of moral uprightness;道德上正直的传统;

16.Political Ethics or Ethical Politics--Comment on Chinese Traditional Rule of Virtue;政治道德还是道德政治——评我国传统的德治思想

17.The Traditional Filial Piety Morality and Modern Citizen"s Moral Quality Education传统孝德观与现代公民道德素质教育

18.The Traditional Taoist Ethical Thoughts and Moral Construction传统道家伦理对当代道德建构的启思


traditional morals传统道德

1.Scott Fitzgerald intended to revive the American Spirit andtraditional morals.基督受难和复活的象征意义作比较,发现他们有惊人相似之处,认为作者借此希望盖茨比所代表的美国精神和传统道德能复生。

2.Therefore,it is imperative and of profound meaning to develop an honest culture on the basis of the marrows of thetraditional morals.廉政文化是通过文化的自身规律和渠道、文化传媒的方式和魅力影响着社会,因此在吸取中国传统道德精华的基础上大力推动廉政文化建设既势在必行,又意义深远。

3.Thetraditional morals essentially are the "the special principle" establishment on the foundation of blood relationship,the modern morals essentially are "the universalism" the morals surmounting human s nature relation,therefore moral reforming may regard as the modern morals surmounting totraditional morals natural foundation.传统道德本质上是建立在血缘基础上的“特殊主义”道德,现代道德本质上是超越人的自然联系的“普遍主义”道德,因此道德的现代化转型可以视为现代道德对传统道德自然基础的超越;道德的这一转型是社会转型的必然要求和价值体现;人本化、普遍化、主体化、公共化和理性化是其基本内涵;在中国境遇中,这一道德转型尚未完成,推进自然道德的消解和现代道德的整体生成,是道德建设的现代性目标。

3)traditional moral传统道德

1.Probe into new way of compromisingtraditional moral and social democracy moral;探索传统道德与社会主义道德相融合的德育新路

2.During some thousands years development of Chinese nation,traditional moral concept has important advancing effect for the unity of state,comity of nation,development of society.在中华民族几千年的发展历程中,传统道德观念对国家的统一、民族的团结、社会的发展曾起到重要的推进作用。

4)traditional ethics传统道德

1.The sediment oftraditional ethics, the arising of citizen ideas, the dissemination of alien cultures.传统道德的沉淀,市民思想的兴起,异族文化的传入,原始婚俗的残存,都对《水浒传》的婚姻描写发生影响,集中体现了婚姻世俗化的倾向,以及非常复杂的多元婚姻文化。

2.Among the abundant legacy of Chinesetraditional ethics, we should pay attention to its social effects and ethical recuperation of governors.在丰富的中华传统道德遗产中 ,重视道德的社会作用和从政者的道德修养 ,以及忠、孝、诚、信、礼、义、廉、耻等道德规范 ,结合今天的实际 ,加以改造 ,综合创新 ,赋予新的时代精神 ,对于“以德治国”方略的实施 ,有开发利用和借鉴的价

3.It is worth our carrying on and developing the rich and finetraditional ethics of our nation,which plays an active part in constructing an ethical system,carrying forward our national spirit and forming healthy individual moral quality.中华民族有着丰富和优秀的传统道德 ,值得我们继承和发扬。

5)traditional virtues传统道德

1.The relations between Chinese tradition and the subjective morality are mainly manifested in the following three aspects: 1) thetraditional virtues lay a theoretical foundation for the subjective morality;2) the external transformation oftraditional virtues promotes the development of the subjective morality;and 3) the traditional moral education facilitates the subjective morality instruction.我国传统与主体性道德的源流关系主要体现在三个方面:首先,传统道德思想为主体性道德提供了思想资源;其次,传统道德环境的变化是主体性道德发展的社会动因;最后,传统的道德教育为主体性道德教育提供了方法指导。

2.After examining how our forefathers cultivate their moral character, the paper focuses on the concept of "self-cultivation", which is one of Chinesetraditional virtues, and then puts forward some suggestions how college students enhance self-cultivation.反思古人修身养性的深邃和高明,本文选定中国传统道德中"修身"这一内容,首先谈谈笔者对中国传统道德中"修身"内涵的理解;再结合实际,谈谈大学生如何加强自我修养。

6)conventional morality传统道德


《北京传统曲艺总录》北京传统曲艺作品名目集。傅惜华编,1962年出版。本书著录了清代初叶至中华人民共和国成立前在北京地区流行的各种传统曲艺作品名目4000余种,分为16卷。其中,八角鼓类包括岔曲3卷、牌子曲(单弦)1卷、快书(联珠调)1卷,共为5卷;石派书1卷;鼓词小段1卷;莲花落1卷;时调小曲类包括马头调3卷、西调1卷、66种有调名的时调小曲3卷、缺失调名的杂曲1卷,共为8卷。另外,清代北京流行的子弟书作品,编者另有《子弟书总目》一书单行出版,不包括在本书之内。本书在编纂时据以著录的清代以来的曲艺总集、选集,包括刻本《霓裳续谱》、《白雪遗音》等20种,钞本《万花小曲》、《百万句全》等27种;同时还引用了北京以发卖戏曲曲艺单行钞本为业的百本堂、别埜堂两家书铺的钞本曲艺目录11种、未署编者的曲艺目录 1种,顾颉刚编《蒙古车王府曲本分类目录》1种,刘复、李家瑞编《中国俗曲总目稿》1种,《通俗读物编刊社书目提要》1种。除以上有版本可据的曲目外,还著录了少量曾在北京曲艺场所演唱过的、流传在艺人口头的曲艺作品名目。每一曲目,都著录了曲名、版本源流、公私收藏处所,并简单介绍了曲目内容、题材来源。少数有作者姓名可考的也作了著录。
