700字范文 > 教师职业化 teacher professional英语短句 例句大全

教师职业化 teacher professional英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-16 10:35:27


教师职业化 teacher professional英语短句 例句大全

教师职业化,teacher professional

1)teacher professional教师职业化

2)teacher professionalism教师职业专业化

1.The present rudimental understanding and definition of "teacher professionalism" is indistinct and inexplicit,which entails problems and difficulties in teacher education theory study and teacher education practice.目前国内对“教师职业专业化”的认识还处于初始阶段,对“教师职业专业化”概念的还模糊不清,给当前教师教育理论研究与实践都带来较大的影响和困难。


1.Teachers Certificate--a Starting Point of the Specialization of Teaching Profession;教师资格证是教师职业专业化的起点

2.The realization of professionalization of teachers:the orientation of education reform with regard to teachers;实现教师职业专业化:教师教育改革的方向

3.About “Teacher Professionalism” Concept;关于“教师职业专业化”概念的思考

4.Research on the Specialization of the Teacher s Profession;关于教师职业专业化问题的几点探讨

5.Specialization of Teachers and Higher Vocational Teachers-Training;教师专业化及高职教师教育专业化建设的思考

6.Professionalized Development and Cultivation of Professional Spirit of Teachers in Higher Vocational Education;高职教师专业化发展与职业精神培养

7.A Discussion on Teacher Specialization in Higher Vocational and Technical Education;刍议高等职业技术教育的教师专业化

8.Professional Trait of Teachers Occupation and Professional Power of Teachers;教师职业的专业性和教师的专业权力

9.Professionalization: The Target That the Occupation Grade Iifting Runs After a Teacher;专业化:教师职业品位提升的目标追求

10.The Probe into the Vocational Normal Students Professional Development;职业教育师范生“专业化”发展探析

11.Discussion on Vocational Specialization and its Realization of Teachers in Vocational College;论职业学校教师职业的专业化及其实现

12.Study on theory for professional guidance and specialization of college teachers;职业指导理论与高校职业指导教师专业化探讨

13.On Search for Specialization of Teachers Occupation from the Development of Teacher Education;从师范教育的发展论教师职业的专业化

14.Teaching Profession:The Effective Approach to Elevate Teacher s Professional Taste;教师专业化:提升教师职业品位的有效途径

15.Teacher s Professionalization: Watershed of Promoting Teacher s Professional Grade;教师专业化:提升教师职业品位的分水岭

16.The Cultivation of the Professional Skills of Music Teacher under the Perspective of the Teacher Professionalism教师专业化视野下音乐教师职业技能的培养

17.The Curriculum Design of Chemistry Tutor s Specialization Development before the Job.;职前化学教师专业化发展的课程设置

18.Construction Study of the Double-Qualified Professional Teachers in Agriculture Vocational Colleges农业高职院校专业教师双师化建设研究


teacher professionalism教师职业专业化

1.The present rudimental understanding and definition of "teacher professionalism" is indistinct and inexplicit,which entails problems and difficulties in teacher education theory study and teacher education practice.目前国内对“教师职业专业化”的认识还处于初始阶段,对“教师职业专业化”概念的还模糊不清,给当前教师教育理论研究与实践都带来较大的影响和困难。

3)professional teacher of higher vocational education高职教师专业化

4)Teacher"s Occupation Culture教师职业文化

5)teacher occupation教师职业

1.There is a process of seed, development and maturity in theteacher occupation emergence.我国教师职业的产生有一个萌芽、发育和成熟的过程 ,这一过程由长者为师、以官为师和职业教师三个阶段构成。

6)teachers occupation教师职业

1.The trait ofteachers occupation has gradually turned from government officials into professionals.我国的教育体制改革已经使传统的教师与政府、学校之间的法律关系发生了根本性的变化,教师职业的性质正逐步由过去的国家干部转变为专业人员。

2.The sense ofteachers occupational happiness is an important aspect of their teaching career.但目前,对小学、幼儿园教师职业幸福感的研究较多,而对中学教师群体的系统研究不多见。


