700字范文 > 欧洲法院 European Court Of Justice英语短句 例句大全

欧洲法院 European Court Of Justice英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-22 11:36:20


欧洲法院 European Court Of Justice英语短句 例句大全

欧洲法院,European Court Of Justice

1)European Court Of Justice欧洲法院

1.On the Role of the European Court of Justice in European Integration;欧洲法院在欧洲一体化中的作用初探

2.By preliminary ruling,the European court of justice has established several primary principle of European union law,such as principle of direct ef-fect and principle of supremacy,which constitutes the three brace of European union law.初步裁决制度是欧盟法中的一项特殊的法律程序制度,适用初步裁决制度的案件占欧洲法院受理案件量的大多数。

3.Evolving from EC to Union,EU judicial system has experienced a series of transformation,which is owing to the need of the construction of European integration as well as the radical practice of the European Court of Justice.从欧共体的建立到欧洲联盟的崛起,欧盟司法制度经历了一系列变革,这一方面是因为欧洲一体化发展之内在需要,另一方面也与欧洲法院积极的司法实践密切相关,该变革体现于成员国的一系列条约修改活动。


1.On the Role of the European Court of Justice in European Integration;欧洲法院在欧洲一体化中的作用初探

2.A Unified Criminal Law for EU--In the perspective of ECJ;欧盟的刑法?——以欧洲法院(ECJ)判例为视角

3.On the Application of WTO Law in EC: From the Perspective of ECJ s Rulings;从欧洲法院的判决看WTO法在欧共体的适用

4.The Study of Antidumping Cases in European Courts: The Chinese Perspective;欧洲法院反倾销判例研究:中国视角


6.Contributions of the Independence of the European court of Justice In Process of European Integration;欧洲法院的司法独立性对欧洲一体化进程的贡献

7.Nor can the Constitution be used to invalidate any national law adopted which was necessitated by membership of the European Union or the Communities.欧洲法院和爱尔兰法院受委托共同监督并确保共同体法的实施。

8.Application of Proportionality Principle in ECJ Antidumping Cases欧洲法院在反倾销案件中对比例原则的适用

parative Analysis between Chinese and European Meditation Systems Beyond Litigation;中国与欧洲法院外调解制度之比较研究

10.As a court , the decision of the house of lord be binding on all other court , and the only appeal from the house of lord be to the european court of justice作为法院,上院的裁决对其他法院有约束力,从上院只能向欧洲法院上诉

11.As a court, the decision of the house of lord is binding on all other court, and the only appeal from the house of lord is to the European court of justice.作为法院,上院的裁决对其他法院有约束力,从上院只能向欧洲法院上诉。

12.The European Court of Justice has slapped down a German law protecting Volkswagen from takeover .欧洲法院宣布德国一部防止大众公司被兼并的法律无效。

13.Analysis of Exclusivity of Copyright from the Perspective of Competition Law;著作权拒绝许可行为的竞争法分析——欧洲法院IMS案判决研究

14.European Court of Justice will review the legislation of EC at any time through the indirect judicial review procedure.并通过间接司法审查程序,使欧共体机构的立法行为时刻处于欧洲法院的审查监督之下。

15.A Functional Analysis of the Jurisdiction Interaction between preliminary ruling Adjudication and Direct Action of European Court;欧洲法院初步裁决权与直接诉讼管辖权和互动功能分析

16.In the european court of justice officer of the court who summarize and presents a case to the judge to assist them in come to a decision.法律官员(在欧洲法院)指向法官总结介绍案情并协助他们工作的法院官员。

17.The Principle of Judicial Writs under European Commission of Human Rights;欧洲人权法院视野下的司法令状原则

18.An Inspiration for China s Construction of Unconstitutional Examination System from European Constitutional Courts;欧洲宪法法院给我国违宪审查制度建构的启示


The European Court of Justice欧洲法院

1.Study on the Preliminary Adjudicative System of the European Court of Justice;欧洲法院初步裁决制度研究

2.The introduction of the general principles of law into the Community law is attributed to the judicial practice of the European Court of Justice,which,as the judicial organ of EU,has courageously brought the general principles of law into the EU judicial system and in this process has bridged the gap in the EU legislation.一般法律原则成为欧盟法渊源应归功于欧洲法院的司法实践。

3)European Constitutional Courts欧洲宪法法院

1.An Inspiration for China s Construction of Unconstitutional Examination System fromEuropean Constitutional Courts;欧洲宪法法院给我国违宪审查制度建构的启示

4)European Court of human rights欧洲人权法院

1.Fair Trial in the Case Laws Made by European Court of Human Rights;欧洲人权法院判例法中的公正审判

5)European Court of Justice (ECJ)欧洲共同体法院

1.European Court of Justice (ECJ),the supreme judicial power of European Union (EU) aims to protect the unified application and observation of EU law among member states.欧洲共同体法院 (EuropeanCourtofJustice)是欧洲共同体的最高司法权威 ,它的设立旨在确保欧洲共同体法律在成员国之间得以统一解释和遵守。

6)hospital in Europe欧洲医院


上级人民法院改变下级人民法院管辖的职权上级人民法院改变下级人民法院管辖的职权:上级人民法院认为有必要审理下级人民法院管辖的第一审刑事案件,应当向下级人民法院下达改变管辖决定书,并书面通知同级人民检察院。――――《最高人民法院关于执行〈中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法〉若干问题的解释 第15条
