700字范文 > 欧盟法院 European Court of Justice英语短句 例句大全

欧盟法院 European Court of Justice英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-13 03:19:30


欧盟法院 European Court of Justice英语短句 例句大全

欧盟法院,European Court of Justice

1)European Court of Justice欧盟法院

1.Termination of the anti-suit injunctions?——comments on the civil verdict ofEuropean Court of Justice on the "FRONT COMOR" case禁诉令的终结?——评欧盟法院就the “FRONT COMOR”案的裁决


1.The Impact of WTO Law on EC Law and its Inspiration;WTO协定对欧盟法的影响及启示——从欧盟法院的角度

2.Termination of the anti-suit injunctions?--comments on the civil verdict of European Court of Justice on the "FRONT COMOR" case禁诉令的终结?——评欧盟法院就the “FRONT COMOR”案的裁决

3.Should the oil company be held liable for the vessel-source marine pollution damages?--comment on the civil verdict of the European Court regarding the MV Erika oil pollution case石油公司应该对船舶油污损害负责吗?——评欧盟法院对Erika轮油污案的裁决

4.A Unified Criminal Law for EU--In the perspective of ECJ;欧盟的刑法?——以欧洲法院(ECJ)判例为视角

5.Kompetenz des deutschen Bundesverfassungsgerichts und Entwicklung der Europ ischen Union;德国联邦宪法法院的管辖权与欧盟的发展

6.Observing the Character of the European Union from the "Draft Constitutional Treaty of the European Union";从《欧盟宪法条约草案》看欧盟的性质

7.On the Impact of the EU Constitutional Treaty on the Protection of EU Human Rights;《欧盟宪法条约》对欧盟人权保护的影响

8.The European Institutional Reform in the Framework of the Treaty of Establishing Constitution for the Europe;《欧盟宪法条约》框架下的欧盟机构改革

9.Recognition and Enforcement of Civil and Commercial Judgments from EU Member States in Germany欧盟成员国法院民商事判决在德国的承认与执行

10.Supranational Law and National Law:Relationship between the European Law and National Laws of Member States“超国家法”与“国家法”——欧盟法与欧盟成员国国内法的关系

11.Constitutional Patriotism and European Identity: The Lessons of the European Constitution宪法爱国主义与欧洲认同:欧盟宪法的启示

12.European Commission Disagrees on Alliance between Air France and Alitalia欧盟委员会对法航和意航结盟表示异议

13.Legalization of Regional Governance:EU and ASEAN in Constitution Making地区治理的法制化——以欧盟和东盟制宪为例

14.It harmonizes United States law with that of the European Union.那就是,使美国法和欧盟的法律相协调。

15.The Development of the European Union Law: Exploring the Way of Legal Globalization欧盟法的发展——法律全球化的探路石

16.European Legislation and Its Influence on the Standards of Flange Joint欧盟法规及其对法兰接头标准的影响

17."The EU Constitution Treaty" and the Evolution of International Law;《欧盟宪法条约》与当代国际法的演进

18.The Legal Analysis on the Implementation of the Community s Regulation on Leg-Hold Traps;《欧盟捕猎夹法规》实施的法律思考


EC directive欧盟法令

3)EU soft law欧盟软法

1.In the process of EU constitutionality,EU soft law roles in development of EU constitutionality should deserve the same contemplation and research as EU hard law does in it.在欧盟宪政发展进程中,在硬法发挥作用的同时,欧盟软法所占据的地位与所发挥的作用也同样值得重视与研究。

4)European union law欧盟法

1.The Effect of European Union law on its member states;论欧盟法对欧盟成员国的效力

2.The Development of the European Union Law: Exploring the Way of Legal Globalization;欧盟法的发展——法律全球化的探路石

3.By preliminary ruling,the European court of justice has established several primary principle ofEuropean union law,such as principle of direct ef-fect and principle of supremacy,which constitutes the three brace ofEuropean union law.初步裁决制度是欧盟法中的一项特殊的法律程序制度,适用初步裁决制度的案件占欧洲法院受理案件量的大多数。

5)EU law欧盟法

1.A Study on Legitimate Expectation in Administrative Law--Comparative Survey between Legitimate Expectation in EU Law and That in English Law;论行政法上的合理期待原则——比较考察欧盟法和英国法中的合理期待原则

2.TheEU law,neither traditional international law nor national law,has the character of the supranational law.欧盟法具有“超国家法”的特点,不是传统意义上的国际法,也不是国家法。

3.Based on the premise of reconstruction in the concept of law, this paper mainly deals with the internalization and externalization of EU Law, then, it endeavors to touch upon the enlightenment to the reform of international law in the perspective ofEU law.本文在法律概念重构的前提下,主要论述了欧盟法的内在化与外在化的成长过程,最后在此基础上,就欧盟法对国际法变革的启示进行了初步探讨。

6)constitution for Europe欧盟宪法


