700字范文 > 国际法院 International Court of Justice英语短句 例句大全

国际法院 International Court of Justice英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-05 02:04:45


国际法院 International Court of Justice英语短句 例句大全

国际法院,International Court of Justice

1)International Court of Justice国际法院

1.The Contribution of theInternational Court of Justice to International Human Rights Law;国际法院对国际人权法的贡献

2.On Counter-claim in judicial Practice of theInternational Court of Justice;国际法院司法实践中的反诉问题研究

3.Challenges in the Era of Globalization and Advisory Jurisdiction of theInternational Court of Justice——To Commemorate the 60th Anniversary of the Founding of theInternational Court of Justice;全球化时代的挑战与国际法院的咨询管辖权——纪念国际法院成立60周年


1.The U.S. and the World Court: 1923-1926;美国与国际法院:1923—1926

2.I.C.J. Reports 1971国际法院判例汇编(

3.advisory opinion of the ICJ国际法院的咨询意见

4.P.C.I.J., series (A)常设国际法院汇编(

5.Parties to the Statute of the International Court of Justice国际法院规约缔约方

6.ICJ Reports 1974 1974年国际法院案例汇编

7.ICJ Reports 19741974年国际法院案例汇编

8.International Court of Justice Reports 1971国际法院案例汇编(

9.On Evaluation of the Role of ICJ in a Changing International System变动国际体系中国际法院作用的评估

10.- To strengthen the International Court of Justice, in order to ensure justice and the rule of law in international affairs.- 加强国际法院,在国际事务中确保正义与法制。

11.On Counter-claim in judicial Practice of the International Court of Justice;国际法院司法实践中的反诉问题研究

12.Special Chambers: a realistic torte c to strengthen The International Court of Justice;国际法院特别分庭──加强国际法院作用的现实途径

13.An Initial Inquiry Into the Case of Iran V America Concerning Oil Platforms;国际法院伊朗诉美国石油平台案简析

14.International Association of Juvenile Court Judges国际少女法院法官协会

15.International French Culture Academy国际法国文化研究院

16.Convention on the Establishment of an International Criminal Court设立国际刑事法院公约

17.Convention for the Creation of an International Criminal Court创立国际刑事法院公约

18.Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court国际刑事法院罗马规约



1.An Exploration of the Enforcement of theICJ Judgment on Contentious Cases国际法院诉讼案件判决的执行问题探析

2.The Role ofICJ in Solving Territory Dispute and Its Predicament Evaluation国际法院在解决领土争端中的作用及困境评析

3.The case concerning oil platforms(ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN V UNITED STATES OF AMERICA) is a judgment made byICJ in recent years,and mainly deals with the use of force in international law.伊朗诉美国石油平台案是国际法院近年的一项判决,主要涉及国际法上的武力使用问题。

3)the International Court of Justice国际法院

1.Inter-governmental Organizations Should Appear as Party to Contentious Proceedings beforethe International Court of Justice;政府间组织应该成为国际法院诉讼当事方

2.Special Chambers: a realistic torte c to strengthen The International Court of Justice;国际法院特别分庭──加强国际法院作用的现实途径

3.The Responsibility to Protect:Studies on the Judicial Practice ofthe International Court of Justice“保护的责任”:国际法院相关司法实践研究

4)International Court国际法院

1.It s widely held in the academic circle that the judicial functions of the international court are to resolve the country conflict and to provide counseling for the United Nations agencies.学界普遍认为 ,国际法院的司法职能仅包括解决国家间争端和为联合国机构提供咨询意见两个方面。

5)Academy of International Law国际法学院

6)International Court of Justice国际法庭国际法院


