700字范文 > 5A Unit 3 At a music room_小学五年级英语教案

5A Unit 3 At a music room_小学五年级英语教案

时间:2023-05-29 04:07:05


5A Unit 3 At a music room_小学五年级英语教案

教学内容:单元part a教学目标:1. 掌握单词、词组:sing, dance, music, lesson, 2. 能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语:let’s sing … first. listen to …, please. now, follow me, please. let’s start/begin. let’s sing it together.教学难点:初步了解掌握句型: can you…? yes, i/we can. no, i/we can’t. what can you do? i can …教学过程step1free talkt: hello, everyone. nice to meet you. today let"s learn unit 3 at a music room. i can play the piano. can you tell me: what can you do? t: hi,… what can you do?s1: i can play basketball. (配合手势)t: good. hello, … what can you do?s2: i can play the violin. (配合手势)t: now, you can ask your classmates, please.step2learn to parta1. t: you are all very good, i think. you can play the violin and play the guitar at a music lesson. read afterme: music, lessont: good. mr green and his students are having a music lesson. please read and answer my questions.q1: what time is it now?q2: where are the students?t: the first question: what time is it now?(it is two o’clock in the afternoon.)t: the second question: where are the students?(they are in the music room.)t: now, can you try to read it? 2. t: what can we do at a music lesson? yes, we can sing the song. read after me: songt: good. mr green and his students are having a music lesson. t: what can you sing? 你可以把会唱的歌曲告诉老师: we can sing… t: you can sing many songs, i think. what can they sing?please listen and find. t: they can sing ‘in the classroom’ and ‘colour song’. they can’t sing ‘we can sing and dance’. teach: dance, sing and dancet: well done. 他们会唱‘in the classroom’, 你们会唱吗?let’s sing ‘in the classroom’ first.ok. let’s sing it together. ( 播放歌曲)3. t: can ben sing ‘in the classroom ’? what can he do? (no, he can’t. he can play the violin.)4. t: ‘we can sing and dance’. can you sing the song?they follow the teacher.they sing it together.they listen to the song ‘we can sing and dance’.t: they follow the teacher. read after me: follow, follow the teachert: they sing it together. read after me: together, sing it togethert: they listen to the song. read after me: listen to, listen to the song4. t: ok. now let’s learn the song ‘we can sing and dance’ like this. first, listen to the song, please. we can sing and danceyou can ______ and we can ______. they can ________.are you ready? __________ let’s ______. let’s ______ and __________.t: 你能填出来了吗?let’s begin. means let’s start. 这两个句子的意思是相同的。read after me: begin, startt: now, follow me, please.请跟我读。(带读歌词)t: can you sing it now? 你们会唱了吗?t: yes. let’s sing it together. 我们一起唱吧。 (播放歌曲)5. t: good! now please listen and repeat. 请跟录音读。t: please read part a.
