700字范文 > Unit8  Review and check教案_小学六年级英语教案

Unit8  Review and check教案_小学六年级英语教案

时间:2020-09-28 03:34:18


Unit8  Review and check教案_小学六年级英语教案

unit8 review and check教案

teaching aims:

1, students can understand, read, say and write the new words :

weather,spring,summer,autumn,winter,hot,cold,plan,picnic,play,penfriend,also,glue,season,because,countryside,warm,cool,rain,rainy,sunny,windy,snow,cloudy,foggy,rowing,snowball,fights,still,project,zebro,africa,elephant,concert,outing,beijing opera show, singing contest, sports meeting, a postcard, finish, receive, subject, writing paper, an elephant, e─mail address, fax number, write a letter, take part in.

2, students can understand, read, say and write the new sentences:

which season do you like best?

i like … why?

because it is… i can…

is that gao shan? yes, speaking.

by the way, what are you going to do…?

what for?

i hope so.

can i have ┄?

what should i do?

what is the weather like in summer there?

what are we going to do…?

we are going to ┄ i want┄ i want to do┄

3, students can say the sound:

4, students can sing the rhyme: 《seasons》

period one

ⅰ. teaching content: part a,b

ⅱ. teaching aims:

1.students can understand, read, say and write the new words and phrases:

weather,spring,summer,autumn,winter,hot,cold,plan,picnic,play,penfriend,also,glue,season,because,countryside,warm,cool,rain,rainy,sunny,windy,snow,cloudy,foggy,rowing,snowball,fights,still,project,zebro,africa,elephant,concert,outing,beijing opera show, singing contest, sports meeting, a postcard, finish, receive, subject, writing paper, an elephant, e─mail address, fax number, write a letter, take part in.

2. students can understand, read, say and write the new sentences:

which season do you like best?

i like … why?

because it is… i can…

is that gao shan? yes, speaking.

by the way, what are you going to do…?

what for?

i hope so.

can i have ┄?

what should i do?

what is the weather like in summer there?

what are we going to do…?

we are going to ┄ i want┄ i want to do┄

ⅲ. teaching focus and difficulties:

1.students can master the new words and phrases.

2.students can use the new sentences..

ⅳ. teaching aids:

pictures, cards, copybook,, computer.

ⅴ. knowledge recurrences:

what do you like?

ⅵ. teaching steps:

step1: pre-task preparation:

1 free talk(引导学生回答)

a: how many people are there in your family?

b: there are ┄

a: which school are you in?

b: i am in ┄
