700字范文 > 高校形象 college image英语短句 例句大全

高校形象 college image英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-21 02:12:10


高校形象 college image英语短句 例句大全

高校形象,college image

1)college image高校形象

1.and multi-medium identity system is more powerful in showingcollege images.高校可以从CIS构成要素的三方面入手 ,设计体现学校特色的理念识别系统、行为识别系统和多传媒识别系统 ,并通过多种传播媒介充分展示高校形象。

2.The paper briefly discusses the meaning ofcollege image network transmitting, as well as some methods and assumption of propagating by network.本文简要阐述了高校形象网络传播的意义,以及通过网络传播高校形象的一些方法和设想。


1.To Implement the Strategy and to Promote the Construction of University Identity;实施高校形象战略,促进高校形象建设

2.The Image of a College or University in the Minority Areas: Its Creation and Spread;民族地区高校形象塑造与形象传播研究

3.University Spirit Is the Conceptual Basis of University Image-building;大学精神是高校形象建设的理念基础

4.On the Application of Brand Strategy to University Image Building;论品牌战略在高校形象塑造中的运用

5.CI-System--Means of Building the Images of Higher Education InstitutesCI策划——高校形象塑造的战略性选择

6.The Consideration about Colleges and Universities Identity Design and Construction of Campus Culture关于高校形象设计与校园文化建设的思考

7.The Study on the Image of the Male Students in the Major of PE in High Schools;高校体育专业男生校园形象调查研究

8.Investigation on the Image of Library Workers of Universities in Chongqing;重庆市高校图书馆馆员形象调查研究

9.The Construction of College Professors Images from the Preferred Reading Perspective;优先解读模式下的高校教师形象建构

10.University of Image Recognition System Construction;探析我国高等院校形象识别系统建设

11.Investigation on the Image of University PE Teacher in Chongqing;重庆市高校体育教师形象的调查研究

12.The Study on Identity of College Logistics Group of Chongqing;重庆高校后勤集团形象建设战略研究

13.On establishment of intellectual librarian image in college libraries;浅谈高校图书馆“知识馆员”形象的树立

14.Discussion on the Relationship between CIS and the Shaping of Higher Vocational School Image;论“CIS”与高职院校形象的塑造

15.On Brand Image Strategy of Higher Vocational Colleges;塑造高职院校品牌形象的法宝——导入CIS

16.The Introduction of CI Strategy and Creation of a New Image of Local Universities;导入CI战略 塑造地方高校新形象

17.Remoulding self:a Probe into the Image and Characteristic of College Female Teachers;重塑自我:高校女教师形象特质初探

18.CIS and Vocational School Image s Design and Spreading;CIS与高职院校形象的设计与传播


university image高校形象

1.Research on designing & communicating theuniversity images in Wuhan;武汉高校形象的设计与传播研究

3)college image construction高校形象建设

4)the image of public relations of college高校公共形象

5)brand image in high school高校品牌形象

6)college brand image高校形象塑造


