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我国高校 college英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-03 19:49:20


我国高校 college英语短句 例句大全



1.This essay describes the development ofcollege high level sports teams in the past and stresses that policy is the key factor for the development.阐述了我国高校高水平运动队的发展历程,强调政策是决定全国各高校办高水平运动队的风向标。


1.Remodel Space and Outer Surroundings in Traditional Areas in Colleges and Universities in China;我国高校老校区校园空间环境的重塑

2.The Inspiration of Foreign University’s Logistic Service to Chinese University Logistic Reform;国外高校后勤服务对我国高校后勤改革的启示

3.Use for reference of the experience of developed countries to improve the level of managing the university by law in China;借鉴发达国家经验,提高我国高校依法治校水平

4.The Revelation of American University Incentive System to the Constructions of Chinese Universities;美国高校激励机制对我国高校建设的启示

5.The Inspirations of the American Collegiate Competitionfor Funds to China s Higher School Reformation;美国高校经费竞争及其对我国高校改革的启示

6.Enlightenment from American College PE on Chinese College PE Curriculum Reform美国高校体育对我国高校体育课程改革启示

7.The Characters of Chinese P.E. Teaching--Compare with Foreign Colleges对比外国高校体育谈我国高校体育教学的特征

8.Inheritance and Innovation-our Country Traditional Campus Transformation Urban Design;传承与创新—我国高校传统校园的改造

9.Researches on the System Construction of Managing Universities by Law in China;我国高校依法治校制度建设问题研究

10.Study on System Reform Questions of the University-owned Enterprises;关于我国高校校办企业改制问题研究

11.Reveal the Problems of Informatization in Chinese Schools;我国高校校园信息化建设的问题探析

12.The Study on the Improvement of Mechanism about Alumni Resource Development of China Colleges我国高校校友资源开发机制改进研究

13.The Research on the Model of Province Team Held by Universities我国高校省队校办模式的反思与探索

14.Construction of Compus High-level Sport Team in Colleges & Universities;对我国高校高水平运动队建设的探讨

15.Research on Regional Distribution of High-Level Sport Team in Our University;我国高校高水平运动队区域分布研究

16.On Problems and Suggestions of Teaching Quality of Our Country;试论我国高校教学质量及其提高对策

17.Reflections on the Training of College Sports Talents in American towards the Running of High - level College Sports Teams in Our Country;关于我国高校办高水平运动队的思考

18.The Enlightenment of the National Defense Education in the Universities in China;国外普通高校国防教育对我国普通高校的启示


college library of our nation我国高校图书馆

3)dance sports我国普通高校

1.Since the original State Educational Committee listed thedance sports as the content of sports teaching in the universities in 1987, the majority of universities have opened thedance sports course, which has been rapidly popular and promoted in the short years and has also become another form and course content of the participation in the sports of the universities student.从现阶段体育舞蹈在普通高校的开展现状、各种影响因素进行分析研究,不断总结经验,采取相应的对策,使我国普通高校体育舞蹈克服存在的影响因素,让体育舞蹈在普通高校能够蓬勃发展,学生能够喜爱与掌握这项运动,增强体育意识和体育能力,形成终身体育思想为中心的新的内容体系,从而促进高校体育舞蹈的发展。

4)Chinese public university我国公立高校

5)Higher Educational Institutions我国高等院校

1.The Research on the Crises Management inHigher Educational Institutions in China;我国高等院校危机管理研究

6)the universities in China我国高等学校


