700字范文 > 同音删略 hapology英语短句 例句大全

同音删略 hapology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-26 15:09:46


同音删略 hapology英语短句 例句大全




1.A Study on Haplology in Chinese;也谈汉语中的同音删略现象——兼与司富珍先生商榷

2.An Intentional Misreading of a Later Period Friend:an Analysis on Luchun s Abbreviated Version of Donggaozi;异代知音的有意误读:陆淳删节《东皋子集略》解析

3.vowel cancellation task删除元音的工作删除元音的工作

4.abridged to half its original length.删略到原有长度的一半。

5.A Brief Analysis of the Influence of The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons over The Wen Xuan;笙馨同音 宗旨如一──略论《文心雕龙》对《文选》的影响

6.Software installation extension cannot perform removal or install operations during asynchronous policy refresh and will force a synchronous foreground refresh.在异步策略刷新时,软件安装扩展不能运行删除或安装操作,并将强制进行同步前台刷新。

7.The act or an instance of omitting.省略,删除省略的行为或例子

8.Delete all music In the list删除此目录下的所有音乐

9.Are you sure you want to remove the selected sound scheme?是否确认要删除所选的声音方案?

10.Records, imports, or erases a sound in a cell comment记录、输入或删除单元格声音附注

11.Error removing the pronunciation from the custom dictation dictionary从自定义听写词典删除发音时出错。

12.Delete item from your computer when deleted from Media Library从媒体库中删除项目时,同时从计算机中删除

13.The quality or condition of being homophonic.同音同音的性质或状态

14.the broad [narrow] phonetic notation【语音】简略 [精密] 标音法

15.Deletes all comments in document, ignoring filter settings.删除文档中的所有批注,忽略筛选设置。

16.Add/delete administrators, edit multiple password policies:添加/删除管理员、编辑多密码策略:

17.The resource allocation policy {0} will be deleted. Do you want to continue?资源分配策略 {0} 将被删除。您想继续吗?

18.A written text that has been abridged.删节,节略一篇缩写后的文章



3)deletion strategy删除策略

1.In Boolean operator fuzzy logic, applyingdeletion strategy in level saturation method can avoid many useless clauses without loss of generalized completeness of the resolution.在布尔算子模糊逻辑中施行归结时,使用删除策略能够在水平浸透的过程中减少无用子句的产生,并且不牺牲归结的广义完备性,从而更快地求得子句集的恒假水平。

2.The present paper introduces thedeletion strategy into generalized λ-resolution and discusses certain properties of λ-strong entailment.本文在广义λ-归结方法中引进删除策略,讨论了λ-蕴涵的若干性质,并证明:以λ-蕴涵为基础的删除策略不破坏广义λ-归结方法的完备性。

4)Delete policy删除策略

5)backward deletion逆向删略

6)To omit or delete.略去;删去


删略1.删减省略。 2.择取。
