700字范文 > Nature及其子刊 Nature and its series英语短句 例句大全

Nature及其子刊 Nature and its series英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-28 17:37:00


Nature及其子刊 Nature and its series英语短句 例句大全

Nature及其子刊,Nature and its series

1)Nature and its seriesNature及其子刊

2)radon and its daughter elements及其子体

1.Theradon and its daughter elements are the decay products of the radioactive elements such as uranium and thorium and the important carcinogenic factor of causing the lung cancer.氡及其子体是铀、钍等放射性元素产物,是引发肺癌的重要致病因子。

3)radon and its daughters氡及其子体

1.Analyses on anomaly ofradon and its daughters above sandstone type uranium deposit;砂岩型铀矿床上氡及其子体异常分析

2.This paper has studied the characteristics and formation mechanism of the anomalies caused byradon and its daughters over the sandstone uranium deposit,described the recoil of the Alpha particles,the cluster effect and the natural electric field over the sandstone uranium deposit,and analyzed geological characteristics of the sandstone uranium deposit.分析了砂岩型铀矿床上氡及其子体异常特征及其形成的机理,介绍了砂岩型铀矿床上氡及其子体经α衰变后产生的α粒子的反冲现象、团簇理论和自然电场,分析了砂岩铀矿床的地质特点、U-Ra平衡、磁化率、自然电位的变化等,对砂岩铀矿勘查的氡及其子体异常解释有一定的指导意义。

3.Results Radon and its daughters" concentrations in the air of the main workplaces were higher than those of the auxiliary workplaces(P<0.目的了解某铀矿井下氡及其子体在间不同年份、不同季节、不同场所的分布规律,以便有针对性地采取井下降氡措施。


1.The Migration Simulation of Radon and Its Daughters and Visualization System;氡及其子体运移模拟及可视化系统开发

2.The Joint Effect of Inhaled Radon and Benzene on Blood and Bone Marrow of Mice;氡及其子体和苯对小鼠血液和骨髓联合毒作用

3.Effects of Radon and Its Daughters on SOD and MDA in Peripheral Blood of Occupational Population and Rats;氡及其子体对职业人群和大鼠外周血SOD及MDA的影响

4.Biological Effect of Radon on Target Cells of Rats and Uranium Miners;氡及其子体对大鼠和铀矿工人靶细胞的生物学效应

5.Studies of Pathology and Differentially Expressed Genes in Lung and Bronchus of Radon-exposed Mice氡及其子体吸入染毒小鼠肺及支气管组织病理损伤及其差异表达基因的研究

6.Study of Active Carbon Measuring Method for Indoor Radon and Radon Daughters活性炭盒法测量室内空气中氡及其氡子体的研究

7.Harm of Radon and Radon Progeny,the Preventative Measures and Countermeasures氡及氡子体的危害与防治措施、对策

8.Radon and radondaughter meters and monitors-General requirementsGB/T13163-1991氡及氡子体测量仪与监测仪一般要求

9.Study on Radon-Prevention & Radial-Prevention Mortar/Putty/Composites Functional Coating and Composites;防氡防辐射水泥砂浆/腻子/多功能涂料及其复合体的开发

10.Adverse Effects of Radon and Its Progeny on Target Tissues in Rats;氡及子体吸入对大鼠靶器官的损伤效应

11.Concentration and Distribution of 210Po and Its Effects on the Expression of Vascular Endothelial Cell Growth Factor (VEGF) in Rats Exposed to Radon;大鼠氡暴露后体内210Po的含量和分布及其对VEGF表达的影响

12.The daughter nuclides of radon and thoron tend to become attached.氡和钍射气的子体易被气溶胶吸附。

13.Radon Behavior and Its Effect on Gamma-ray Radiation Field in the Air;大气氡变化及其对伽马辐射场的影响

14.Ma-thematical relationship between Rn daughter concentrations and ventilation,adhesion and deposition,and radioactive decay was developed in the p-aper.本文给出了氡子体浓度和通风、附着和沉积、以及放射性衰变之间的关系。


16.Calculation of the limit of radon daughters concentration in the ventilation system design of uranium mines铀矿井采场氡子体α潜能浓度设计限值的确定

17.A Study of Radon Level and Its Health Effects to People in Underground Buildings in China;中国地下工程氡污染及其健康危害评价

18.Study on Rn and Environmental Geochemistry of Hongge Hot Spring of Panzhihua;攀枝花红格温泉氡及其环境地球化学研究


radon and its daughter elements及其子体

1.Theradon and its daughter elements are the decay products of the radioactive elements such as uranium and thorium and the important carcinogenic factor of causing the lung cancer.氡及其子体是铀、钍等放射性元素产物,是引发肺癌的重要致病因子。

3)radon and its daughters氡及其子体

1.Analyses on anomaly ofradon and its daughters above sandstone type uranium deposit;砂岩型铀矿床上氡及其子体异常分析

2.This paper has studied the characteristics and formation mechanism of the anomalies caused byradon and its daughters over the sandstone uranium deposit,described the recoil of the Alpha particles,the cluster effect and the natural electric field over the sandstone uranium deposit,and analyzed geological characteristics of the sandstone uranium deposit.分析了砂岩型铀矿床上氡及其子体异常特征及其形成的机理,介绍了砂岩型铀矿床上氡及其子体经α衰变后产生的α粒子的反冲现象、团簇理论和自然电场,分析了砂岩铀矿床的地质特点、U-Ra平衡、磁化率、自然电位的变化等,对砂岩铀矿勘查的氡及其子体异常解释有一定的指导意义。

3.Results Radon and its daughters" concentrations in the air of the main workplaces were higher than those of the auxiliary workplaces(P<0.目的了解某铀矿井下氡及其子体在间不同年份、不同季节、不同场所的分布规律,以便有针对性地采取井下降氡措施。

4)Radon and its Progeny氡及其子体

1.Objective To study the redox damage of lung and blood cells in rats inhaled radon and its progeny.目的研究氡及其子体吸入对大鼠肺与血细胞的氧化应激损伤。

2.Objective To study toxic effect of inhaled radon and its progeny on blood and bone marrow cells of mice.目的研究氡及其子体对小鼠造血系统的影响。

3.To study biological changes of the lung in rats exposed to radon and its progeny.[目的 ]研究大鼠吸入氡及其子体后肺及支气管组织的生物学变化。

5)Thoron and Its Progeny220Rn及其子体

6)a bear and her young熊及其崽子


NA 内次甲基四氢邻苯二甲酸酐又称甲撑邻苯二甲酸酐,简称NA,分子量164。白色结晶,熔点162~167℃。有潮解性。易溶于苯、甲苯、丙酮,受热升华,能与水反应成酸。 用作环氧树酯固化剂、硬化玻璃固化剂、橡胶软化剂的中间体、塑料钢丝塘瓷及树酯等表面治化剂、高沸点溶剂、合成润滑剂、纺织整理渗透剂等。 用作环氧树脂的固化剂,参考用量75~95phr,固化条件120℃/2h十150℃/5h或80 ℃/3h十120℃/3h十200 ℃/4h。固化物具有优良的耐热性、耐候性和电性能,耐热200 ℃以上。
